
A single dirham you split into fragments

ودرهم واحد فصلت جملته

1. A single dirham you split into fragments
With it you filled the hall of the house with scattering

١. ودِرهَمٌ واحِدٌ فصَّلتَ جُملتَه
ملأتَ منه نِثاراً قاعَةَ الدارِ

2. For the anvils are yours in striking it and so
The iron is David's without fire

٢. لانَ اللُّجَينُ لكم في ضَربه وكَذا
لانَ الحَديدُ لداودٍ بِلا نارِ

3. I kept uprooting it while the earth kept swallowing it
Had I known of it, I'd have let my nails grow long

٣. مازلتُ أقلَعُهُ والأرضُ تبلعُه
فلو علمتُ بهِ طوَّلت أظفاري