1. Who will convey on my behalf to the benevolent one of dew,
And his brothers who act with the benevolence of the benevolent,
١. فَمن مُبلغٌ عنِّي المحسَّنَ ذا النَّدى
وإخوَتَه الجارِينَ مَجرَى المُحسنِ
2. I see you and me as a fifth thirsty one,
To the water beneath which five springs flow,
٢. أراني وإيَّاكُم كظَمآن خامِسٍ
إلى الماءِ تَجري تَحتَه خَمس أعيُنِ
3. Just so, you are five whose generosity overflows,
It spread, and my neglect and procrastination singled me out,
٣. كذلِكَ أنتُم خَمسَةٌ فاضَ جُودُكم
فعمَّ وبالتَّسويفِ والمطلِ خصَّني
4. And at whatever time it was, it was a time of what transpired,
So the calamities of my eras flowed over my state,
٤. وفي أيِّ وقتٍ كانَ ذا وقت ما جَرى
فجارَت عَلى حالي نَوائبُ أزمُني
5. Did I not gather the hearings, then leave them,
Abodes of words, hostages of tongues,
٥. ألم أجمَع الأسماعَ ثمَّ تَركتُها
مَساكِنَ أقوالٍ رَهائِن ألسُنِ
6. So how my condition differed from my words, though it is,
Praise of you, no twisting therein, so do not twist me,
٦. فكَم خالَفت حالي مَقالي وإنَّه
ثَناءٌ عَليكم ليسَ يُثنَى فينثَني
7. And I, for what was from me toward you,
O breath of my breast, you raged, so be calm.
٧. وإنِّي عَلى ما كانَ منِّي لَمِنكُمُ
فيا نَفثةَ المَصدُورِ قَد هجتِ فاسكُني