
Enjoy, if you see Egypt has a breast

تمتع إن رأيت بمصر ثديا

1. Enjoy, if you see Egypt has a breast
Whenever it is suckled, it drips with pure milk

١. تمتَّع إن رأيتَ بِمِصر ثدياً
إذا ما استُرضِعَت درَّت برِيِّ

2. It has milk that makes any child amongst you forgetful
Whenever he sucks the milk of that breast

٢. لها لَبنٌ ينسي الطِّفلَ مِنكُم
إذا ما امتصَّها لَبنَ الثُّديِّ

3. Your compiled book is a copy of my knowledge
Which is covered with the human leather

٣. مقالمُ نَسخِكَ العِلم اللَّواتي
تُغشَّى بالأدِيمِ الآدَمِيِّ

4. Do not give preference to some men over others
Or the advice of an ignorant fool

٤. ولا تَختصَّ فَحلاً دُونَ فَحلٍ
وصيَّةَ جاهِلٍ بهمُ غَبِيِّ

5. Be close in knowledge and pious
Otherwise why are you called the pious father

٥. وقارِب في العُلوم وكُن تَقيّاً
وإلا لِم دُعيتَ أبا التَّقِيِّ

6. Do not show loyalty to those
Who have the signs of loyalty amongst them

٦. ولا تُظهِر لِمن تَلقى وَلاءً
فعِندَهُمُ عَلاماتُ الوَليِّ

7. Are you busy with the ill folk of your family
May Allah distract you from the family of the Prophet

٧. أمالَكَ في استِكَ الوَجعاءِ شُغلٌ
لَحاكَ اللَّهُ عَن آلِ النَّبيِّ