
The hand of passion rose on the day of farewell over my hand

يد الغرام علت يوم الوداع يدي

1. The hand of passion rose on the day of farewell over my hand
So I marched as a captive of the army of longing and determination

١. يدُ الغرام عَلت يوم الوداعِ يدي
فسرتُ في أسرِ جيش الشوقِ والكمَدِ

2. And I remained confident that patience would help me
Or composure, until my own composure betrayed me

٢. ولم أزل واثقاً بالصبر يُنجدُني
أو التجلُّدِ حتى خانَني جَلَدي

3. And I did not become clear-sighted about their homes
Until I became clear-sighted about the spirit's separation from my body

٣. وما تبيَّنت بيناً على ديارِهُم
حتى تبيَّنتُ بين الرُّوح عن جَسَدي

4. And though they are far from me, yet they
Are closer than they were at the distance

٤. وهم وإن بَعُدوا عني فإنَّهم
مني لأقربُ ما كانوا على البعُدِ

5. And a path the wind refused to blow along
Fearfully, and if the wind had crossed it, it would not have returned

٥. ومَسلكٍ أبَت الريحُ السلوكَ به
خوفاً ولو قطعَته الريحُ لم تعُدِ

6. I crossed it while the beasts of the wilderness took refuge
Beside me when they saw my intent for the lion

٦. قطعتُه وأسود الوحشِ لائذةٌ
بجانبي إذ رأت قصدي إلى أسَدِ