1. Some daughters of time
Passed through some trials
١. بعضُ بَناتِ الزَّمنِ
مرَّت ببَعضِ الفِتَنِ
2. So it revived them, so they stood
And passed away with me
٢. فاستَنهضَتها فاستَقا
مَت مَعها تَطرُقُني
3. I see the nights insist
To change them with the eyes
٣. أرَى اللَّيالي يَستَعي
نُ صَرفُها بالأعيُنِ
4. So let him who hasn't sympathized fear
Meeting an eye that has sympathized
٤. فَليَخشَ مَن لم يَضنَ أن
يَلقاهُ طَرفٌ قد ضَني
5. That bends when it speaks and if
It is told no, it doesn't bend
٥. يَثني إذا قالَ وإن
قِيلَ له لا يَنثَني
6. When I knew that what
Was with me what I wished for
٦. لمَّا عَلمتُ أنَّ ما
بي ما بهِ أطمَعَني
7. And I said if time perished time
Of an ill time it would make me perish
٧. وقلتُ لو أفنَى سَقا
مٌ ذا سَقامٍ لَفَنِي
8. Morning and dusk supposed
Us two were faithful friends
٨. ظنَّ المساءَ والصَّبا
حَ وافَيَا في قَرَنِ
9. When it spent what was
Between them with familiarity
٩. لمَّا قَضى مدَّة ما
بَينهما بالوَسَنِ
10. Those are the judgments of love, not
Muhammad ibn al-Hasan
١٠. تلكَ قَضايا الحُبّ لا
محّمدُ بنُ الحَسَنِ
11. Who came with the justice of the sun married
To the injustice of frowning
١١. أتى بعَدلِ الشَّمسِ مَم
زُوجاً بجَورِ المُزُنِ
12. So he has become trusted
And he is not trusted
١٢. فقَد غَدا مُؤتَمَناً
وليسَ بالمؤتَمِنِ
13. He built and erected above what
Was erected for him and built
١٣. بَنَى وشاد فوقَ ما
شِيدَ لَه وما بُنِي
14. High but not on
Honesty and low but didn't become lowly
١٤. عالٍ ولكن لا عَلى ال
عافي ودانٍ لا دَني
15. They are repeated if the faces
Of favors begin to frown
١٥. تُعادُ إن يَبدُ إذا
مَنَّ وُجُوهُ المِنَنِ
16. So he intends to hide them
With an impossible desire
١٦. فهو يَرومُ سَترَها
مَرامَ غَيرِ مُمكِنِ
17. So whoever wants to see
Them as wealth, let him look at me
١٧. فمَن أَرادَ أن يرا
ها ثَروةً فَليَرَني