
He has a branch in generosity, with roots

فرع له في المكرمات أصول

1. He has a branch in generosity, with roots
That rise with the length of its praise and grow long

١. فَرعٌ لهُ في المَكرُماتِ أُصولُ
يَعلو بِطولِ ثَنائِها ويَطولُ

2. He attained the highest ranks in elevation
As if Isma'il were Isma'il indeed

٢. نزلَت بهِ أَعلَى المَنازِلِ رفعَةً
فكأنَّ إِسماعيلَ إِسماعيلُ

3. He gathered perfections and the essence with an encampment
Whose fruits, when sought out, are attained

٣. جمعَ المَعالي والصَّميمَ بدَوحَةٍ
ثَمراتُها أَن تُجتَدى فَتُنيلُ

4. The winds of connection blew in its branches
I see a branch inclining toward a branch

٤. هَبَّت رياحُ الوَصلِ في أَغصانِها
غُصنٌ إِلى غُصنٍ أَراهُ يَميلُ

5. And today is the happiest it can be, because
After it, it is connected with good fortune

٥. واليَوم أسعد ما يكونُ لأنَّهُ
بالسَّعدِ فيما بَعدَهُ مَوصولُ