
If she was true in her promise that we would meet

لئن صدقت في وعدها أن سنلتقي

1. If she was true in her promise that we would meet
Then that would hasten a gathering that was delayed

١. لئِن صدَقَت في وَعدِها أن سَنَلتَقي
فذاكَ لتَعجيلِ اجتِماعٍ مُفرِّقِ

2. Have you not seen how sweet is bidding farewell
Yet it leads to that which you will not remain if it stays

٢. ألَم تَرَ تَسليمَ الوَداعِ مُحَبَّباً
ويتبعُهُ ما لستَ تَبقى إِذا بَقي

3. I see the blood of my heart bursting with my tears
And the pupil of my eye youthful at the parting

٣. أرَى دَمَ قَلبي فاضَ من قَبل عَبرتي
وإِنسانَ عَيني شابَ من قَبل مَفرقي

4. You were veiled to avoid the heat of the sun in the soft sand
And if you wish to be kind to the sun, then shine

٤. أطَلتِ احتِجاباً ضَرَّةَ الشَّمسِ في النَّوى
وإِن شِئتِ أَن تَعفي عَلى الشَّمسِ فاشرِقِ

5. By my life, you have inflicted on me in burning agony
The madness of love even on the neck-ringed dove

٥. لَعَمري لَقَد ألحَقتِ في حرقةِ البُكا
عَليَّ الغَواني بالحمامِ المطَوَّقِ

6. If you, lightning of the land's horizon, bring good news
Of my cheek by the rain then flash

٦. فإِن كُنتَ يا برقَ الثُّغورِ مُبَشِّراً
بِخَدَّيَّ من عَينَيَّ بِالغَيثِ فابرُقِ

7. A lover who shows jealousy while in love
Passion yet comes to me with a pretense of sympathy

٧. وعاذِلَةٍ في الحُبِّ تُظهرُ غَيرَةً
وَوَجداً وتَأتِيني بِظاهِرِ مُشفِقِ

8. My passion for you is divided between one who denies it
When he sees me and one who believes

٨. تَقسَّم وَجدي فيكِ بينَ مكذِّبٍ
بِه حينَ يَلقاني وبَينَ مُصدِّقِ

9. This one recognizes it by my tears' confession
And that one denies it by my speech's denial

٩. فيَعرفُه ذا باعتِرافِ مَدامِعي
ويُنكِرُهُ هَذا بإنكارِ مَنطِقي

10. No one who has tasted the agony of love
Saw me and did not remind me of what he went through

١٠. وَما أَحدٌ لاقَى مِن الحبِّ لَوعَةً
رآني فَلَم أُشغِلهُ عَن ذِكرِ ما لَقي

11. Just as praise has become the constant occupation
Of Abu Al-Taqi, not distracted by other people's blessings

١١. كَما الحَمدُ قَد أَمسَت تواصلَ شُغلُه
بِها عَن جَميعِ الناسِ نُعمى أَبي التَّقي

12. When the seeker of glory sees his efforts
He sees paths ahead not yet taken

١٢. إِذا ما رَأى السَّاعي إِلى المَجدِ سَعيَه
رأى طُرقاً من قَبله لَم تُطرقِ

13. A brother of high ambition, his station higher than the stars
If he aims for something, he outdoes the stars

١٣. أَخو هِمَّةٍ أَعلى مِن النَّجمِ مَنزِلاً
فإِن يَرم في أَمرٍ مَع النَّجمِ يَسبِقِ

14. The highborn flirt with him when he aspires to them
But he rejects them with sound advice

١٤. تُغازِلُه العَلياءُ حينَ يَرومُها
سِواهُ فتَرميهِ برَأيٍ مُوفَّقِ

15. Imprisoned by glory, released by dew
He became both captive and free

١٥. حَبيسُ المَعالي مُطلقُ المالِ بِالنَّدى
فأَصبَحَ وقفاً بينَ حَبسٍ ومُطلَقِ

16. Say to the wandering nights when morning comes
Gather my bedding as much as you can and tidy

١٦. فقُل لِليالي الرائِشاتِ إِذا غَدا
مِجَنِّي فَريشي ما استَطَعتِ وفَوِّقي

17. The manners of this one, since I accompanied him
He spared me having to adopt pretentious behavior

١٧. خَلائقُ هَذا نعتُها مُذ صَحبتَها
فقَد حَملَت عنكَ احتِمالَ التَّخلُّقِ

18. He occasionally comes down to us with his wisdom
And sometimes rises with the glory of creation

١٨. ويَنزِلُ أَحياناً إِلَينا بِحُكمِها
وطَوراً بِحُكمِ المَجدِ في الخَلقِ يَرتَقي

19. O House of Well-being, when your virtues appear
Their mention spreads between east and west

١٩. مكارِمُ يا آلَ المُعافى إِذا بَدَت
بَدا ذِكرُها ما بَينَ غَربٍ ومَشرِقِ

20. If the garment of honor is now torn
My passion for it is not torn

٢٠. فإِن كانَ ثوبُ العزِّ أَصبحَ مُخلَقاً
عَليَّ فَما وَجدي عَلَيهِ بِمخلَقِ

21. In my time, if I reflect on our matter
I have the themes of Jarir or the satire of Farazdaq

٢١. ولي في زَماني إن تأمَّلتُ أَمرنا
مَعاني جَريرِ أَو هجاءُ الفَرزدَقِ