
Do not sleep soundly nor feel secure

لا تنعمي بالا ولا ترقدي

1. Do not sleep soundly nor feel secure
In fear, nor sense that you are safe,

١. لا تَنعمي بالاً ولا تَرقُدي
خَوفاً ولا تَستَشعِري الأمنا

2. For slain by you was one who had a clan
Swift to strike and stab in vengeance.

٢. فإنَّ مقتُولَكِ ذُو مَعشَرٍ
يُسارِعُونَ الضَّرب والطَّعنا

3. She said: Do they not know of my grace
And favor shown, and all my bounty?

٣. قالَت فألا عَرفُوا عِندَهُ
صَنِيعتي والفَضلَ والَمنَّا

4. I killed a lover and from prison freed him;
To him this world had been a dungeon.

٤. قَتلتُ مَعشُوقاً فأطلَقتُه
وكانَت الدُّنيا لَه سِجنا