
With prosperity, children, good fortune, and peace

بالرفا والبنين والسعد والإقبال

1. With prosperity, children, good fortune, and peace
With beauty, distance from reaching extremes

١. بالرِّفا والبَنينَ والسَّعد والإِق
بالِ والبُعدِ عَن بُلوغِ التَّناهِي

2. With the bonding of affection and excellence in raising
Children, each comes like a servant of God

٢. واتِّصالِ الوِدادِ والفَضل في الأَو
لادِ كلٌّ يَأتي كعَبدِ اللَّهِ

3. So they are the best example and form were it not
For them, I would deem them above the like

٣. فهوَ نِعمَ المِثالُ والشَّكلُ لَولا
هُ لنزَّهتُهُم عَن الأشباهِ