
Do you dwell after parting from dwellings

أتسكن بعد فراق السكن

1. Do you dwell after parting from dwellings
To a spear whose blade you have fed?

١. أتَسكنُ بعد فراقِ السَّكَن
إلى وَسَنٍ لأطعمتَ الوَسَن

2. And show patience at his distance
While your heart in his hand is pledged?

٢. وتُظهرُ صَبراً عَلى بُعدِهِ
وقلبُكَ في يَدِه مُرتَهَن

3. You are pleased with joy that you have reaped
And next, your joy is sorrow.

٣. تسرُّ سُروراً بما قد جَنَي
تَ وعُقبيَ سُروركَ هذا حَزَن

4. You betrayed, though the love pact betrayed not.
Are you pleased with the betrayal of one who betrayed not?

٤. وخنتَ وما خانَ عَهد الهَوى
أتَرضَى خِيانَةَ مَن لم يَخُن

5. You belittled what from his purpose was mighty
And what from his purpose was mighty did not weaken

٥. وهوَّنَت ما عزَّ مِن قَصدِه
وما عزَّ من قَصدِه لم يَهُن

6. So you and the grief of parting and sorrow
And loss of dignity are forever paired

٦. فأنتَ وسُخطُ النَّوى والأسَى
وفقدُ العَزا أبَداً في قَرَن

7. If you die not in grief for separation
And longing for what you suffer, then who?

٧. إذا لم تَمُت جَزَعاً للفِرا
قِ ووَجداً لما أنتَ فيه فمَن

8. You departed from forms not unwillingly
So why do you multiply the pecking of time?

٨. ترحَّلتَ عن صُورَ لا مُكرَهاً
فمالَكَ تكثِرُ نَقرَ الزَّمَن

9. The turns of time will be averted from you
And lifted up by He who lifted up ibn al-Hasan

٩. ستُصرَفُ عنكَ صُروفُ الز
مانِ ويَرفعُها رافعُ بن الحَسَن

10. A youth claimed by the highlands of valor
And whiteness of swords and redness of blades

١٠. فتىً تَدَّعيهِ مَواضي اليَرا
عِ وبيضُ السيُوفِ وسُمرُ اللُّدن

11. I saw his merits ere hearing of him,
Seeing with certainty so my eye was an ear

١١. رأيتُ مَعالِيَهُ قَبلَهُ
سَماعاً يَقيناً فعَيني أذُن

12. His fame passing by those who visit
And he counts gifts for those who visit

١٢. يُمرُّ نَداهُ على القاصِدي
نَ ويحسَبُ للقاصِدين المِنَن