1. She came close and saw me complaining bitterly
So she folded the edges of her cloak lest they be snatched away
١. دنَت فَرأَتني عاتِباً مُتَطرِّفا
فكفَّت حَواشي سِربِها أن تُخطفا
2. And she sent a timid glance along with desire
That it may grow stronger, so I sent a stronger one to weaken it
٢. وأَرسلَتِ اللَّحظَ الضَّعيفَ مع الهَوى
لِيَقوى فَأرسَلتُ القَويَّ لأضعُفا
3. And eyes where tears had settled in them, so whenever
A specter grazed them suddenly, they brimmed over
٣. وعَينٍ أَقامَ الدَّمعُ فيها فَكُلَّما
ألمَّ بِها طَيفٌ عَلى غِرَّةٍ طَفا
4. My companion was cold then became content with his loneliness
With an act, so he cast coldness between his eyelids
٤. جَفا صاحِبي ثمَّ استَقلَّ انفِرادَه
بِفِعلٍ فألقَى بينَ أَجفانِه الجَفا
5. To you, for I was once
Feeling a flame in the bushes that now died down
٥. إِليكَ فَإني إِنَّما كُنتُ مَرَّةً
أحسُّ لَهيباً في الحَشا وقَد انطَفا
6. And desire became as delicate in beauty
As beauty itself, and every creek became a creek
٦. وصارَ الهَوى في الحُسنِ كالحُسنِ رِقَّةً
وأَصبَحَ حتَّى كلُّ أَهيَف أهيَفا
7. And I forbade what youth had deemed lawful
And I spend what I owed from it what had been granted respite before
٧. وحرَّمتُ ما كانَ الشَّبابُ استَحلَّهُ
وأَنشَأتُ أَقضي عَنه ما كانَ أَسلَفا
8. And I would have been, unless you ask the gentle breeze
Bearing to and from her, urging and composing
٨. وكُنتُ وإِلا فَاسأَلِ الراحَ جالِباً
لَها وعَلَيها مُستَحثاً مُؤلِّفا
9. My words and deeds become as tender to her
As if when they give me a drink of araq, I become araq
٩. يرقُّ لَها قَولي وفِعلي كَأَنَّني
إِذا ما سَقَوني قَرقَفاً خِلتُ قَرقَفا
10. And I race the racer without over-exertion
And I overlook lowliness when an ignoramus babbles
١٠. وأُعدو عَلَى العادي بِغَيرِ جَريرةٍ
وأُغضي عَلَى ذُلٍّ إِذا أَهيَفٌ هَفا
11. And I walk to the beautiful lady, preceding her promised time
So I spare her from saying "too late"
١١. وأَمشي إِلى الحَسناءِ أسبقُ وَعدها
فَأعجلُها عَن أَن تَقولَ فتُخلِفا
12. Yet the days left in me nothing of the talk of youth
Except sorrow and anguished sighing
١٢. فَما أبقَت الأَيامُ منِّي وقَد جَرى
حَديثُ الصِّبا إِلا الأَسى والتَّلهُّفا
13. And I look from the temples of old age to desire
Fearing that the turns of fate make them turn away
١٣. وأنظرُ مِن سَجفِ المَشيبِ إِلى الهَوى
فَأخشَى مِن المَصروفِ أَن يَتَصَرَّفا
14. And I mount after death and gray hair
With them behind me and walk arrogantly
١٤. وأركبُ بعدَ العُدم والشَّيب تالِياً
يَقودُهما خَلفي ويَمشي تَعسُّفا
15. Until I divided war and gray hair between desire
And to nonexistence from the generosity of Ibn Baroukh what sufficed
١٥. إِلى أَن قَسمتُ الحربَ والشيبَ للهَوى
وللعُدم من جودِ ابنِ باروخَ ما كَفى
16. He is glory protecting whoever touched his house
And preventing whoever came to him fearful
١٦. هُو المَجدُ يَحمي مَن ألمَّ بِبَيتِه
ويَمنعُ ممَّن جاءهُ متَخوفا
17. So do not deny that the examples have become complex
With the likes of them until they become clear and recognized
١٧. فَلا تُنكِروا أَنَّ الشَّواهِدَ أشكلَت
بِأَمثالِها حتَّى تَبينَ وتُعرَفا
18. He came, by the coincidence of possession and beauty and his name,
To Egypt, so people thought Joseph was Joseph
١٨. أَتى باتِّفاقِ المُلكِ والحُسنِ واسمِه
بِمصرَ فَظنَّ الناسُ يوسُفَ يوسُفا
19. A youth who seduced the days until I saw them
Turning over underneath the nights expectantly
١٩. فتىً فَتنَ الأيامَ حتَّى رأيتها
تقلبُ مِن تَحتِ اللَّيالي تَشَوُّفا
20. And the new day rejoices at his nearness
Casting itself upon him eagerly
٢٠. ويَستَبشِر اليومُ الجَديدُ بقُربِه
فيُلقي عَليه نفسَه مُتَرشِّفا
21. He grew between the pens of ministry
And between the swords of emirate sharpened
٢١. نشَا بَينَ أَقلامِ الوزارة ناشِئاً
وما بَينَ أَسيافِ الإمارة مُرهَفا
22. And he passed the builders in glory with dew
And when he saw them as he looked down, he looked down
٢٢. ومرَّ عَلى البانينَ في المَجدِ بِالنَّدى
ولمَّا رآهُم حينَ أَشرَفَ أَشرَفا
23. And he did not limit himself to the likes of their deeds
So that you would think he had learned from the people and followed
٢٣. ولَم يَقتصِر مِنهم عَلى مثلِ فعلِهِم
فتحسَبُه استَملى من القَوم واقتَفا
24. And a day of fighting like Samhari in its length
Though not like Samhari in his education
٢٤. ويَوم وغىً كالسَّمهَريِّ لطوله
وإن لَم يَكن كالسَّمهَريِّ مُثقَّفا
25. They went forth to meet you, throwing behind your back their land
As if they were accustomed to advance and loyalty to you
٢٥. تقدَّمت تُلقي خلفَ ظَهركَ أرضَه
كأنَّ عَليه العَهدَ بالزَّحفِ والوَفا
26. And they drank the water of patience therein muddled
And from that muddying, purity is sought
٢٦. وتجرَعُ ماءَ الصَّبرِ فيه مُكدَّراً
ومن ذلكَ التَّكدير يُلتَمسُ الصَّفا
27. When I recited poetry, I lightened its effort
So it flowed and the transmitters marked it as light
٢٧. إِذا أَنا قلتُ الشِّعرَ خفَّفتُ سَعيَه
فسارَ وسمَّتهُ الرواةُ المخفَّفا
28. And if glories loaded it and weighed it down
It is more fitting that it cannot stand still
٢٨. وإِن حَمَّلته المكرماتُ فأَثقَلَت
فأجدرُ أن لا يَستَطيعَ التوقُّفا
29. It moves like the star when it was like it
Lofty and influential and not light in it
٢٩. يَسيرُ مَسيرَ النَّجمِ إِذ كانَ مثلَهُ
علوّاً وتَأثيراً وليسَ بِه خَفا
30. He is the praiser, the praised, beautiful in himself
And I only described through him the glory of men to be described
٣٠. هُو المادحُ المَمدوحُ حُسناً وإنَّما
وصَفتُ بِه مجدَ الرِّجالِ ليوصَفا