1. Her touch made me sick, from her hand came my illness,
Yet I felt no pain from her touch, only rapture.
١. إن مسَّ مُسقِمَتي مِن طَرفِها سَقَمُ
فما ألمَّ بها مِن مَسَّه ألَمُ
2. I am amazed at myself, seeing her as unjust,
Though she is innocent, they are the unjust ones.
٢. عَجبتُ منِّي أراها أنَّها ظلَمَت
ولا نَمِينُ عَليها إنَّهم ظُلِمُوا
3. When she meets me she says, if you but saw me
Speaking of love like you, they would blame me too.
٣. عَلِمتُها فهيَ تَلقاني تَقولُ إذا
عايَنتُها مثلَ قَولي في الهَوى لهُمُ
4. With symmetry of beauty, lines drawn by God,
Not by the pen, the flawless work of the Divine.
٤. وقائمٍ مِن سُطُورِ الحُسنِ معُتَدِلٍ
ما خطَّهُ اللَّهُ لا ما خَطَّهُ القَلَمُ
5. Yesterday I saw clear in my heart its pledge to her,
Though to eyes it was obscured, inexplicable.
٥. أبصرتُ عُهدَةَ قلبي فيه بَيِّنَةً
بالأمسِ وهيَ عَلى الأبصارِ تَنعَجِمُ
6. On the cheek of a fawn too shy to allow a glance -
Only her excuses prevent blood being shed.
٦. في خدِّ أهيَفَ ما تَرضَى لواحِظُهُ
لَولا عِذاراهُ إلا أن يُراقَ دَمُ
7. I wouldn’t approve, like Ibn Ubayd Allah disapproved,
Of glory compared to what lofty souls desire.
٧. كَهِمَّةِ ابنِ عُبَيدِ اللَّهِ ما رَضِيت
مِن المَعالي بِما تَرضَى لَه الهِمَمُ
8. Say to the virtuous, when they seek her rest,
Where generosity and lack are both found:
٨. قُل لِلعُفَاةِ إِذا لاذُوا بِراحَتِهِ
وعِندَها صاحِباهُ الجُودُ والعَدَمُ
9. Only his virtues remain in his hands -
Do not seek rest where generosity cannot be granted.
٩. لم يَبقَ في يدِهِ إلا مكارِمُهُ
فَلا تَلوذوا بِها ما يُوهَبُ الكَرمُ
10. Wealth cannot defend itself against the argument of generosity,
And you are the arbiter between East and West.
١٠. لَن يصلِحَ المالُ خصم الجود حجَّتَه
وأنتَ بينَ الوَرى عند الوَرَى حَكَمُ
11. What has the dew sprinkled on you, that you judge for it
A judgement! None but you today is suspected.
١١. ماذا رَشاكَ النَّدَى حتى حَكَمتَ له
حُكماً سِواك فأنتَ اليَومَ متَّهَمُ
12. Your generosity is evident to all people,
Nearly all people reject and deny it.
١٢. قَد بانَ جُودُكَ عِندَ النَّاسِ كلِّهمُ
وكادَ ينكرُ ذاكَ النَّاسُ كلُّهُمُ