
Between us a candle melts like

بيننا شمعة تذوب كجسم

1. Between us a candle melts like
The body of a stranger who took refuge in foreign lands

١. بَينَنا شَمعةٌ تَذوبُ كجسمٍ
لغَريبٍ ثَوى بأرضِ الغَرِيِّ

2. Its tears pouring like my tears for him
And it is between us like the body of an intimate friend

٢. دَمعُها هاطِلٌ كدَمعي عَليهِ
وهيَ ما بَيننا كجِسمِ خَلِيِّ

3. I said what is your crime that made you
Burn, and it said, because of the secret I kept hidden

٣. قلتُ ما ذَنبُكِ الذي مِنه أُح
رِقت فقَالت لِفرطِ سِرٍّ خَفيِّ

4. They tortured me with fire intentionally because
I believed in the allegiance to none other than Ali

٤. عذَّبُوني بالنَّارِ عَمداً لأنِّي
اعتَقدتُ الوَلا لِغَيرِ عَليِّ