1. Convey to the commander of the army, sir, a message
Solitude overwhelmed me into sending it
١. أبلغ أبا الجَيشِ الأميرَ رِسالةً
هجَمَ التفرُّدُ بي عَلى إِرسالِها
2. O you, at whose door the destitute stand
Remaining expectantly hopeful
٢. يا ذا الَّذي يَقِفُ العُفاةُ بِبابِهِ
فتَظَلُّ واقِفَةً عَلى آمالِها
3. When she comes to him, she disposes of his money
As if he were disposing of her money
٣. فإِذا أَتَتهُ تَصَرَّفَت في مالِه
فكأنَّهُ مُتَصَرِّفٌ في مالِها
4. Due to the excessive joy I saw in his face
At her arrival, and how he pampered her
٤. مِن فَرطِ ما عايَنتُهُ مِن بِشرِه
بِقُدومِها ورَأيتُ من إدلالِها
5. The dignities have become busy with other things
And neglected me, though I counted myself among their occupations
٥. ما لِلمَعالي أصبَحَت مَشغولَة
عنِّي وكنتُ أعدُّ من أشغالِها