1. I parted though unafflicted by any disease,
And attained what they wished, though reluctantly.
١. أفرقَ حتى ما به داءُ
وأدركَ العذالُ ما شاؤا
2. A firm resolve cured me of passion,
For firm resolutions are healers.
٢. وعالجَته من هوىً عزمةٌ
إنَّ العزيماتِ أطباءُ
3. The plaintive, wailing lover - his limbs
In the souls of lovers are mere caprices.
٣. والأغيدُ الأهيفُ أعضاؤه
في أنفس العشاق أهواءُ
4. I recovered from it though enfeebled,
The cause being languid eyelids and viscera.
٤. تألفت منه وسقمٌ على
العلَّة أجفانٌ وأحشاءُ
5. And there was about to trickle out from between them
Wine and water from his tender cheeks.
٥. وكادَ أن يقطرَ من بينهم
من وَجنَتيه الخمرُ والماءُ
6. No dimple showed in his cheek,
Since all of it was a beauty spot.
٦. ولم يبن في وجهه ثغره
إذ كان كل فيه لألاءُ
7. Prolonged was his passion's inclination to his cheek,
As you saw the red moles.
٧. فطالَ مَهوى القرط في جيدِه
كما تراءَت لكَ أدماءُ
8. But he checked himself; deeds and names
Were not alike in perfection and beauty.
٨. لكنّه صدّ فلم تتفق
في الحسن أفعالٌ وأسماءُ
9. And on a night he whitened, which to one
Who keeps watch is dark.
٩. وليلةٍ بيَّضها أنها
في عين من يرقب سوداءُ
10. And all that he saw not startled him -
Groping about and listening in it.
١٠. وكل ما لم يرَنا هرَّه
تحسُّسٌ فيها وإصغاءُ
11. He gropes confusedly about those around us.
And how many confused may grope!
١١. يخبطُ في عَشواءَ من حَولنا
وكم عسى تخبطُ عشواءُ
12. I said to my two boon-companions, "Give me to drink and enliven it,
For the turns of fate are not enduring."
١٢. قلت لنَدماني اسقني واحيها
فما صروفُ الدهرِ أحياءُ
13. It accomplished from grief in a time
What Zacharias accomplished against it.
١٣. قضَت من الحَسرة في وقت ما
قضى عليها زكريَّاءُ
14. Shaykh of the Exalted, in the days of its shaykhs,
While the people then were all peers.
١٤. شيخ العلى أيام أشياخها
والناس إذ ذلك أكفاءُ
15. So what do you see, when the tribe passed away,
That they left behind or brought?
١٥. فما تَرى والقوم لما مَضوا
ما استخلفوا فيها ولا جاؤا
16. To Him belong glory, munificence, propriety
And bounty and kindness are His children.
١٦. فالمجدُ والجود له والنُّهى
والفضل والمعروف أبناءُ
17. How should the Sublime not be lofty, for One whose
Foundation in it is firm against the days?
١٧. وكيف لا يعلو العلى من له
فيها على الأيام بناءُ
18. The generous hands of one whose munificence approaches Him
Are prosperous, bountifully bestowing.
١٨. وللأيادي من نداهُ يدٌ
عامرةٌ بالجودِ غناءُ
19. Knowing munificence, renowned for kindness
And attacking obscurity fiercely.
١٩. عارفةٌ بالجودِ معروفةٌ
وغارةٌ في العُدم شَعواءُ
20. When its aspiration mounted high, it shone
As if it were the flower Zahrāʾ.
٢٠. وهمَّة لما علت أشرقت
كأنها الزهرة زهراءُ
21. The words extract from his fingers
As if Eve were in them.
٢١. تستخرجُ الأَضغان ألفاظُه
كأنها فيهنّ حواءُ
22. The courtyard of the healthy through his house
Is watered with munificence, verdant.
٢٢. وساحةُ العافينَ من داره
ممطورةٌ بالجودِ خضراءُ
23. When ideas attack him,
And they are hostile to perceptions.
٢٣. إذا الملماتُ تعاوَرنَه
وهنَّ للأفهامِ أعداءُ
24. It suffices him for piercing what is intricate,
An allusion or a sign.
٢٤. كفاهُ بالدّربة من حل ما
أشكل تلويحٌ وإيماءُ
25. There is nothing in the matter, and in it, when
He bared his eloquence, were many things.
٢٥. لا شيء في الأمر وفيه إذا
شطّت عراه بكَ أشياءُ