1. He did not know how he would become an emigrant
And strangeness would make him skilled through experiences
١. ما كان يَدري كيفَ يصبحُ هاجِرا
والغرُّ تجعلُه التجارِبُ ماهِرا
2. I heard the rumor about his cheek and face
Spreading in this life
٢. رشأ سمِعتُ لصُدغه ولخدِّه
في هذه الدنيا حَديثاً سائِرا
3. So if you see him with downcast eyes
Know that there is a flying heart within
٣. فإذا رأيتَ عليه طَرفاً واقعاً
فاعلَم بأن هناكَ قلباً طائِرا
4. Were it not for my guiding eyes
The broken one would not become whole
٤. لو لم تكُن عَيني دليلةَ عينِه
لم يصِبح المكسورُ منها كاسِرا
5. Your glances that kill me as if you had never been
O you of languid and weary eyes
٥. أنشِطتَ تقتُلُني كأنك لم تكن
يا طرفَه ذاك الضعيفَ الفاتِرا
6. And for the like of that I was hoarding my provisions
I sought them but found only faint traces
٦. ولمثل ذلك كنتُ أذخُر سَلوتي
فطلَبتُها فوجدتُ رسماً داثِرا
7. So when I was overcome I forgave my blood
Does a man forgive except when able?
٧. فجعلتُ حين غُلِبتُ أصفح عن دمي
هل يصفحُ الإنسانُ إلا قادِرا
8. And a night of drinking I spent with a company
Passing around glass after glass
٨. ومدامةٍ صبَّحتُها بعصابةٍ
يتناقلونَ بها زجاجاً دائِرا
9. The morning was as if in its light
Night, and they were in it a shining dawn
٩. كان الصباحُ كأنه في نُورهم
ليلٌ وكانوا فيه صُبحاً زاهِرا
10. As if their wine-pourer had become for them
One who extracts from the qualities of the penitent
١٠. فكأنما خمَّارها أضحى لها
من بعضِ أخلاقِ الندامى عاصِرا
11. Until when drunkenness mixed with them, each
Set up excuses for himself
١١. حتى إذا ما السكر خالَطهم غدا
كلٌّ يقيم على الرواح مَعاذرا
12. While I continued drinking it alone and content
With the beauty of your company, O unique friend
١٢. وبقيتُ أشربُها فريداً راضياً
بجميل ذكركَ يا فريدُ معاشِرا
13. Indeed your attributes torment me, confident
Of the truth in them, composer or disseminator
١٣. إني لَتعذبُ لي صفاتُكَ واثقاً
بالصدقِ فيها ناظماً أو ناثِرا
14. God has an ocean of dew, so when the ocean of perdition
Became turbulent, it foamed over it
١٤. للَه بحر ندىً إذا بحرُ الرَّدى
أمسى يعبُّ غدا عليه زاخِرا
15. His vigils, his gifts, his attributes
Are present on its shores as jewels
١٥. يقظاتُه وهباتُه وصفاتُه
موجودةٌ في ساحليهِ جواهِرا
16. And many an ugly cloud He charged
With bearing rain and it rained from them
١٦. ولربَّ سُحب كريهةٍ كلَّفتها
حملَ النجيعِ وكان منها ماطِرا
17. And you marched under them in throngs
That dust still stirred up
١٧. وجعلتَ تخطر تحتَها في جحفلٍ
مازال يعقِدها غُباراً ثائِرا
18. And the clouds are scattered by the winds while these
Are clouds whose steeds are the winds
١٨. والسحبُ تُفنيها الرياحُ وهذه
سحبٌ تكونُ رياحُهن حوافِرا
19. Oh would that you had encountered under them
Him whom time treats unjustly
١٩. يا ليت أنك كنتَ تلقى تحتها
فيمَن تُلاقيه الزمانَ الجائِرا
20. That the barefoot of your generosity may rest
For they have broken to you registers of complaint
٢٠. كي تستريحَ عُفاة جودِك أنهم
كسَروا من الشكوى إليك دفاتِرا
21. No sooner did you hear Abu Al-Wahid with one
Who gathered the lions and led them as troops
٢١. ما إن سمعتَ أبا الوَحيد بواحدٍ
جمع الأسودَ فقادَهن عساكِرا
22. You singled yourself out, so you alone listened
Then I singled myself out, so I alone was a poet
٢٢. لقد انفرَدت فكنت وحدَك سامعاً
ثم انفرَدتُ فكنتُ وحدي شاعِرا
23. For long have the opinions of mankind abounded
Yet I brought just a little, vying
٢٣. فلَطالما كثُرت أقاويلُ الورى
فأتيتُ بالنَّزر القليلِ مُكاثِرا