
Convey from me, O father of the army,

أبلغا عني أبا الجي

1. Convey from me, O father of the army,
Commander of the army, a matter-

١. أبلِغا عنِّي أبا الجَي
شِ أميرَ الجيشِ أمرا

2. That I have thought in you and in your
Council tonight a thought-

٢. أنَّ لي فيك وفي مَج
لِسك اللَّيلةَ فِكرا

3. He who saw your generosity in me
As well as your morals as flowers

٣. مَن رأى جودَك فيَّا
ضاً وأخلاقَكَ زهرا

4. Would think that the sea and the
Garden a garden and a sea

٤. ظنَّ أنَّ البَحرَ وال
بُستانَ بُستاناً وبَحرا