
As if the nights sought me with the nights,

كأن الليالي بالليالي طلبنني

1. As if the nights sought me with the nights,
For they are long, with lengthy tales,

١. كأنَّ اللَّيالي باللَّيالي طَلَبنَني
فهنَّ طَويلاتٌ ذَواتُ طَوائِلِ

2. They try to take from me what is past of my joy,
From the bare, bygone first times,

٢. يُحاوِلنَ منِّي ما مَضى من مَسَرَّتي
منَ الخالِياتِ الماضِياتِ الأوائِلِ

3. Yet they are short, brief, rather
They try revenge with the brief, little ones.

٣. وهُنَّ قليلاتٌ قِصارٌ وإنَّما
يُحاوِلنَ ثأراً بالقِصارِ القَلائِلِ

4. Unless they fell short of my path, in my hand,
Despite their weakness, is what is in the hand of the son of Muqatil.

٤. وإِلا قَصرنَ عن طَريقي فَفي يَدي
على ضَعفِها ما في يدِ ابنِ مُقاتِلِ

5. If I say I did it this evening, it is as if
I came to the one who comes and am not a doer.

٥. إِذا قُلتُ أَمسى فاعِلاً فكَأنَّني
أتيتُ الَّذي يَأتي ولَستُ بِفاعِلِ

6. The weapon of the nights is every white healthful one
Pulling him, not every brown fading one.

٦. سلاحُ اللَّيالي كلّ أبيضَ باذِلٍ
تجاذِبُه لا كلُّ أَسمَرَ ذابِلِ

7. O Abu Ahmad, time diminished and diverted him
To you with this sedentary obese one.

٧. أبا أحمَدٍ خفَّ الزَّمانُ وصَرفُهُ
إِلَيكَ بِهَذا القاعِد المُتثاقِلِ

8. So be an obstacle between time and him,
For his thanks after time are not with an obstacle.

٨. فكُن حائِلاً بَينَ الزَّمانِ وبَينَه
فَما شُكرُه بعدَ الزَّمانِ بِحائِلِ

9. And do not deprive him of honoring his rank from you,
For not every visited one is a gift of a miser.

٩. ولا تحرِمَنهُ منكَ تَعظيمَ شَأنِه
فَما كلُّ مَنزورٍ عطيَّة باخِلِ