
Some idols caused some strife

ببعض الدمى قام بعض الفتن

1. Some idols caused some strife
Were it not for duality I'd have said twofold

١. ببَعضِ الدُّمى قامَ بعضُ الفِتَن
فلَولا التَّثَنِّي لَقُلنَا وَثَن

2. I forgot it when I hid it
So I have a passion but know not for whom

٢. تناسَيتُه حينَ أخفَيتُهُ
فَبي شَغفٌ لستُ أدري بِمَن

3. I hung it gleefully, gleefully
Sorrow is upon it and anguish upon me

٣. وعُلِّقتُه شادِناً شادِياً
علَيه الشَّجَى وعَليَّ الشَّجَن

4. Whenever we meet, be serious and excel
Reconcile, show kindness, not reject or disdain

٤. إِذا ما التَقَينا فمِن جُد وزِد
وصِل وتَعَطَّف ومِن لا ولَن

5. From a beloved who turned away from what she promised
In a land and from a dwelling that did not exist

٥. ومِن مُهجَةٍ مذ نَأت ما ثَوَت
بأرضٍ ومِن سَكنٍ ما سكن

6. Stop, recognize what passion has concealed
So it publicly declared what was hidden

٦. قِفُوا تَعرِفُوا ما أسَرَّ الهَوى
فأعلَن لما أسَرَّ العَلَن

7. It made the bodies sick with love-sickness
So that every eyelid harbored malady

٧. أسرَّ الجسُومَ بسُقم الجُفو
نِ فَأصبَحَ في كلِّ جَفنِ بَدَن

8. So do not be fooled by pretense of composure
And let assumptions prevail over assumption

٨. فَلا يَخدَعنَّكَ عزمُ السُّلو
وِ وَغَلِّب عَلى الظَنِّ فيه الظَّنَن

9. Even if you swore and passion turned you back
It would lead you, turned back to it, to wither away

٩. فَلو قَد حلَفتَ وردَّ الهوَى
يقُودُكَ ردَّ عَليه الوَسَن

10. The noble lineage whose nobility was pardoned
I no longer recognize the description of baseness

١٠. ودِمنةِ جُود عَفا رسَمُها
وما صِرتُ أعرفُ وصفَ الدِّمَن

11. Because of that they said you were stingy with us
While they were stingy, and time passed

١١. ومِن أجلِ ذلكَ قالُوا بَخِل
تَ عَلَينا وهُم بَخِلُوا والزَّمَن

12. How long does the generosity of Hatim
Last for them before it changes when they age

١٢. وكم يَلبثُ الجُودُ مِن حاتِمٍ
إلَيهم تَغيَّرَ لمَّا أسَن

13. I will refrain except for the noble ones
Though I have a price for everything

١٣. سأمسِكُ إلا عَنِ المكرُما
تِ وإن كانَ عِندي لكلّ ثَمَن

14. I will be patient until God judges for me
And Haydarah son of Al-Hasan judges

١٤. وأصِبرُ أو يَحكم اللَّهُ لي
ويَحكمَ حَيدَرةُ بنُ الحَسَن

15. The whiteness of his character has become stained
Never did I see a gallant stained as such

١٥. لقَد هَتنَت بيضُ أخلاقِهِ
ولَم أرَ قطُّ جَهاماً هَتَن

16. He was the brother of generosity until he rose up
And became a father, and embraced and cradled

١٦. وكانَ أخَا الجودِ حتَّى عَلا
فَصارَ أباً واحتَوى واحتَضَن

17. So arise and behold the wonder in nobility!
Its father is its wetnurse in suckling milk

١٧. فقُوموا انظُرُوا عجَباً في العُلى
أبُوها مراضِعُها في اللَّبَن

18. You have judged, and truth is with your companion
In the obligations of his rulings and traditions

١٨. حَكمتَ فصاحبَكَ الحقُّ في
فُروضِ حكُوماتِهِ والسُّنَن

19. The chief of chiefs has become worthless
Lying disgraced at your door

١٩. وأمسَى رِشاءُ الرُّشا بالِياً
بِبابكَ مُطَّرَحاً مُمتَهَن

20. So you have become a trusted trustee
And truly the trustee should feel safe

٢٠. فأصبَحتَ مُؤتَمَناً آِمناً
وبالحَقِّ أن يأمنَ المُؤتَمَن

21. Praise that you'd think its scrolls
If unfurled, were from the parchments of Yemen

٢١. ثَناءٌ تُظنُّ قَراطِيسهُ
إذا نُشِرَت مِن بُرود اليَمَن

22. Its necklaces on the necks of the hopeful
Are all suspended by favors

٢٢. قَلائِدُه في رِقابِ الرِّجا
لِ مُعلَّقةٌ كلُّها بالمِنَن

23. You awoke when the eyes of all
Are lined eternally with withering

٢٣. تيقَّظتَ حيثُ عُيونُ الوَرى
مُكحَّلةٌ أبَداً بالوَسَن

24. So you saw me, how I became
In the hands of fate, confused and mortgaged

٢٤. فأبصَرتَني كَيفَ أمسَيتُ في
يَد الدَّهرِ مُرتَبِكاً مُرتَهَن

25. So be generous and outpace fate, I see
Cares that drive one mad when night falls

٢٥. فَجُد واسبِقِ الدهرَ إنِّي أَرى
هُموماً تُجَنُّ إِذا اللَّيلُ جَن