1. My love which I confess and its embers revive,
My hopes in the eternal abode and in this life,
١. هَوايَ الَّذي أبدي واضمُره يَحيى
وسُؤليَ في دارِ الخلودِ وفي الدُّنيا
2. My eyes with which I watch over those who love me,
My palms with which I pelt my enemies,
٢. وعَيني الَّتي أرعَى بِها مَن يَودُّني
وكفِّي الَّتي أَرمي الأَعادي بِها رَميا
3. Shall I be patient from Yahya and fold up his union,
If turning away from him destroys me completely?
٣. أأصبر عن يَحيَى وأطوي وِصالَهُ
إذاً فَطَواني عَنه صَرفُ الرَّدى طَيَّا
4. I concealed my love with all my strength and denied my capability,
Yet truth increased what I can deny.
٤. كتَمتُ الهَوى جَهدي ونَفَّيتُ طاقَتي
وقد زادَ حَقٌّ ما أُطيقُ له نَفيا
5. Some people wish I were blind to youth,
Then may God make their eyes blind.
٥. يوَدُّ أُناسٌ لَو عَمِيتُ عن الصِّبا
إذاً فأراني اللَّهُ أعينَهم عُميا
6. Why did they not sanctify God in their minds,
Nor shroud a dead or living person from among them?
٦. فَما بالُهم لا قدَّسَ اللَّهُ بالَهُم
ولا حاطَ مَيتاً منهُمُ لا وَلا حَيَّا
7. They blame Yahya although if a blamer,
Saw his face, he would denounce blaming and be shy.
٧. يَلُومونَ في يَحيى ولو أنَّ لائِماً
رَأى وجهَهُ لاستَقبَح اللَّومَ واستَحيا
8. Oh my death, how many fault-finders have I disobeyed,
I see their misguidance as righteousness and their righteousness as misguidance.
٨. فيا مُنيَتي كم فيكَ عاصَيتُ عاذِلاً
أرَى غيِّهم رُشداً ورُشدهُم غَيَّا
9. How often has someone come to me backbiting you,
So I increased my love whenever he increased blaming you.
٩. وكَم جاءَني ما قالَهُ فيكَ كاشِحٌ
فزِدتُكَ حُبّاً كلَّما زادَني نَعيا
10. Shall I hear the reproach about you from one who blames me,
Then my ears have not heard anything after them at all.
١٠. أأَسمَعُ فيكَ العَذلَ ممَّن يَلومُني
فَلا سَمِعَت أُذني إذاً بَعدهُم شَيَّا
11. How good is this life when you are at my side,
And if you are absent from my eyes, how ugly is this life.
١١. فَما أحسَنَ الدُّنيا إِذا كُنتَ جانِبي
وإِن غِبتَ عَن عَيني فَما أقبح الدُّنيا