1. O people on both sides of the ruler
The night-traveller has attacked the sleeping one
١. يا هَل علَى الطَّرفينِ مِن حاكِم
فقَد عَدا السَّاجي عَلى السَّاجِمِ
2. This one was generous so he became secure
The flashing of lightning like the flashing of a sharp sword
٢. جوَّدَ هَذا فانهَمى ذا أمِن
بَرقِ الغَوادي بَرق ذا الصَّارِمِ
3. It made him weep and conceal his weeping so look
How far the weeper is from the concealer
٣. أبكاهُ واستكتمه فانظُروا
ما أبعدَ الباكِي مِن الكاتِمِ
4. Until when he was not able to obey
He punished him with perpetual wakefulness
٤. حتَّى إِذا لَم يَستَطع طاعَةً
عاقَبه بالسَّهرِ الدائِمِ
5. And he slept, so it was wondrous that when awake
The onslaught of the sleeper was feared upon him
٥. ونامَ فاعجَب أنَّ مُستَيقِظاً
تُخشَى عَلَيهِ سَطوةُ النائِمِ
6. For the one whom the passions of love toss about, let him stand
With justice between the oppressed and the oppressor
٦. لمَن تَصاريفُ الهَوى فَليَقُم
بالعَدلِ في المَظلومِ والظالِمِ
7. As the nights and their tossings
For Ibn Abi al-Damim the Darimi
٧. كَما اللَّيالي وتَصاريفها
للدارِميِّ ابن أبي الدَّارِمِ
8. So let this one spare his family
For Abul Qasim has spared those
٨. فَليكفِ هَذا هَذِه أهلَها
فَقَد كَفَى تِلكَ أَبو القاسِمِ
9. After he had undertaken to guide it
Until it was upright in the hand of the upright
٩. مِن بَعدِ ما قامَ بتَقويمِها
حتَّى استَقامَت في يدِ القائِمِ
10. And he came to delegate from his generosity
In it a harsh one, not a compassionate one
١٠. وصارَ يَستَخلِفُ من جُودِه
فيها غَشوماً لَيسَ بِالرَّاحِمِ
11. Hearing in it the word from a truthful one
Doubting and supposing about it, confused
١١. يَسمَعُ فيها القَولَ مِن صادِقٍ
شاكٍ وَظنَّانٍ بِها واهِمِ
12. The people do not ask for evidence, yet
The master of this injustice is not sinful
١٢. لا يَسألُ الناسُ دَليلاً وَما
صاحِبُ هَذا الجَورِ بِالآثِمِ
13. Say to the servants of God, seeking guidance
That the wise seizer is the wise one
١٣. قُل لِعُبَيدِ اللَّهِ مُستَرشِداً
فالحازِمُ الآخِذُ بِالحازِمِ
14. For your generosity no easy ascent
Its building is hard on the demolisher
١٤. ما لِلعُلى سَهلٌ عَلى جُودِكُم
بناؤُها صَعبٌ عَلى الهادِمِ
15. And if you see a sound side
You said to a side that is not sound
١٥. وإِن رأَيتُم عَرَضاً سالِماً
قُلتُم لِعرضٍ ليسَ بالسَّالِمِ