
By Him who inspired my torment

بالذي ألهم تعذيبي

1. By Him who inspired my torment
with your writhing agony,

١. بالَّذي ألهَمَ تَعذِيبي
ثَنَاياكَ العِذابا

2. By Him who clothed my cheek
in roses like a veil,

٢. والَّذي ألبَسَ خدِّي
كَ من الوَردِ نِقابا

3. By Him who instilled in my mouth
the roses' draught,

٣. والَّذي أَودَعَ في فِي
كَ مِنَ الوَردِ شَرابا

4. By Him who depicted with molten gold
upon roses a curtain,

٤. والَّذي صوَّرَ بآلاسِ
عَلى الوَردِ حِجابا

5. By Him who ordained that my share of you
should be aloofness and estrangement,

٥. والَّذي صيَّر حَظِّي
منكَ هَجراً واجتِنابا

6. What said those eyes of yours
to my heart that made it answer back?

٦. ما الَّذي قالَته عينا
كَ لقَلبي فأجَابا

7. And what said that blood of yours,
gushing out in torrents, to my tears?

٧. والَّذي قالَته للدَّم
عِ فَواراها انصِبابا

8. Does a glance woo
and pierce through to the heart?

٨. أغَزالاً صادَ باللَّحظِ
فُؤاداً فأصَابا

9. May your life be long
with a youth seen but as a transient guest!

٩. عَمركَ اللَّهُ بِصَبٍّ
لا يُرى إلا مُصابا