1. We call you to a short companionship and a long loyalty
Who are you whose tricks save you
١. نَدعوكَ لِلحالِ القَصي
رَةِ والمُوالاة الطَّويلَه
2. Like Sahl when no trick remains
And misfortunes when they called you their captive, released you
٢. مَن أَنتَ حيلَتَه أَبا
سَهلٍ إِذا لَم تَبقَ حيلَه
3. And I have long carried it where I carried it, heavy
٣. ونَوائِبٍ لمَّا دَعا
كَ أَسيرُها خلَّت سَبيلَه
٤. وَلَطالَما وَطيتهُ حَي
ثُ ووَطيتُها ثَقيلَه