1. Ahmad, the displaced one who changed his purpose
In determination, and loved what he used to hate
١. أحمد النازحُ المفارق أمرَه
في النوى واستحبَّ ما كان يكرَه
2. The hand of separation made him grateful
Patience with love became his habit
٢. ملَّكته يدُ الفِراق امتِناناً
عنده المالكيه في الحب صبرَه
3. How can one who enjoyed travel refuse an ambassadorship
When he passionately loves every journey
٣. كيف يأبى السفارَ من كان يَحظى
حينَ يهوى بسَلوةٍ كلَّ سفرَه
4. A resolve came leading gently
As youth once led his gaze
٤. عَزمةٌ أقبلت تقودُ سلوّاً
مثلما قادتِ الصبابة نظرَه
5. Not every energetic and violent one
Has languid and indifferent eyelids
٥. ما على كل ذي نشاطٍ وبطشٍ
من جفونٍ فيهنَّ ضعيفٌ وفترَه
6. And it is weakness if I say a charming one
Passed by me stimulating my mind and senses
٦. ومن العجز أن أقولَ غريرٌ
مرَّ بي فاستفزَّ عَقلي وغرَّه
7. Except that I feel within my ribs
After ember, an ember I fear for you
٧. غير أني أحسُّ بين ضلوعي
ما أحاشيكَ جمرةً بعد جمرَه
8. Who thinks I remember one I love
If so, I forgot the remembrance of him
٨. من هوى مَن يظنُّ أني تذكَر
تُ هواهُ إذاً تناسيت ذكرَه
9. He turned away, and my resolves contain
No anger for me, nor any revenge in them
٩. صدَّ عني وليس في عَزماتي
غضبٌ لي وليس فيهنَّ نُصرَه
10. And if he turned away after union, for days
Among us there is harm and joy
١٠. ولئن صدَّ بعد وصلٍ فلِلأي
يامِ فينا مَساءةٌ ومسرَّه
11. I do not complain of their vicissitudes, after
Abu Gharra rose against them and was indignant
١١. لستُ أشكو صُروفَها بعدما قا
مَ أبو غُرَّةٍ عليها وغُرَّه
12. I ruled them, so I freed them from blame
Thus becoming with that blame, free
١٢. مَلكاها فأعتَقاها من الذم
مِ فصارَت بذلكَ الذمِّ حُرَّه
13. And Ali son of Mulhim won the best
Glory over all people, good and bad
١٣. وعليُّ بنُ مُلهمٍ حاز خيرَ ال
مجدِ عن سائر الأنام وشرَّه
14. Smoothness of interaction in peace
And a soul bitter in tribulation
١٤. شيمٌ حلوةُ المذاقَةِ في السل
مِ ونفسٌ عند الكريهَةِ مُرَّه
15. A hand that wards off harm when
A time it would be harmful
١٥. ويدٌ تدفعُ المضرةَ في وق
تٍ ووقتاً تكون منها المضَرَّه
16. We tasted under his generosity every abundance
And saw him diving into every abundance
١٦. نحنُ خضنا من جوده كلَّ غمرٍ
ورأيناهُ خائضاً كل غمرَه
17. And heard his voice calling out
The injustice of time against all who blamed fate
١٧. وسَمعنا نِداهُ وهو يُنادي
ظلمَ الدهر كلُّ من ذمَّ دهرَه
18. And we saw his journey, and in every
Path he had for glory, his danger
١٨. ورأينا مسيرَه وهو في كل
لِ طريقٍ له إلى المجدِ خطرَه
19. The roads became smooth for him until
They took him to the heights though steep
١٩. سهُلت عنده المسالكُ حتى
أوصلته إلى العُلى وهيَ وعرَه
20. Then the high pursuits were confused by him
Avoiding his rejection and fearing his abandonment
٢٠. ثم هامت به المعالي فصارت
تَتقي صدَّه وتحذرُ هجرَه
21. Whenever a place was too high for his reach
He made it, as you see, his stable abode
٢١. كلما عزَّ من ذُراها مكانٌ
جعلَته كما تَرى مستَقرَّه
22. O clouds pouring generosity and might
And a sword whose mark people witnessed
٢٢. يا غماماً ينهلُّ جوداً وبأساً
وحساماً قد عاينَ الناسُ أثرَه
23. Take the reins of my state from fate
And be cautious, for I do not feel safe from its betrayal
٢٣. خذ لحالي من الزمانِ ذِماماً
وتوثَّق فلستُ آمنُ غدرَه
24. No blame rests on the poet who falls short in his
Description, if you accept his excuse
٢٤. ما على الشاعِر المقصِّر في وَص
فِكَ لومٌ إن كنتَ تقبل عذرَه
25. These virtues were so numerous that
He knows not what to include in his poetry
٢٥. كثرَت هذه المناقبُ حتَّى
ليسَ يدري ماذا يضمِّنُ شِعرَه