1. His passion painted fantasies for the youth
Did your apparition reach him or just its mirage?
١. أخيَّلَت للصبِّ أشواقُهُ
وصلَكَ أم طيفُكَ طراقُهُ
2. How could it when his eyes know no rest
From a night whose darkness could envelop him
٢. كيفَ ولا جَفنٌ لَه ساعةً
من لَيلةٍ يُمكنُ إِطباقُهُ
3. He wept for him when he left out of mercy
His guide to separation and its escort
٣. بكى لَه لمَّا نَأى رَحمةً
حادِيه للبَينِ وسوَّاقُهُ
4. While tears of your eyes are imprisoned in
Your secret that does not allow their release
٤. ودَمعُ عَينَيكَ حَبيسٌ عَلى
سِرِّكَ لا يَحسُنُ إِطلاقُهُ
5. To him, the lovesick
Parting from the beloved is utter devastation
٥. وعِندَه أنَّ عليلَ الهَوى
فِراقُ من يَهواهُ إِفراقُهُ
6. Until when his abode was razed
And the covenant was severed, its bond torn
٦. حتَّى إِذا ما شَحَطَت دارُه
واعتَرضَ العَهدُ ومِيثاقُهُ
7. He penned a scroll, wrapped it around
Arrows in quivers with burning tips
٧. عَنوَن قِرطاساً طَواهُ عَلى
قَوادِحٍ فيهنَّ حُرَّاقُهُ
8. From a heavily smitten one whose essence bears
Multiples of what his epistles carry
٨. من مُغرَمٍ تحِمل أَحشاؤه
أَضعافَ ما تَحمِلُ أَوراقُهُ
9. He who never attained a kiss
Except the heartsick, ever-craving one
٩. لَم يَتَمكَّن قَطُّ من قُبلةٍ
إِلا مَلولُ القَلبِ ذَوَّاقُهُ
10. So why should he be lonesome when he who
Abandoned him was lonesome, and his lovers too
١٠. فَما لَه يَخلو وَقَد كانَ مَن
خَلَّفَه يَخلو وعُشاقُهُ
11. He hopes for loyalty from him in passion
As if it were glory and its bestowal
١١. يَطمَعُ مِنه في الهَوى بِالوَفا
كأنَّهُ المَجدُ وإِسحاقُهُ
12. To him, both his friend
Obedient to whatever he desired to yearn for
١٢. كِلاهُما صاحبُه عِندَه
طَوعاً إِلى ما شاءَ يَشتاقُهُ
13. Without tiring of him, accustomed to him
Nor distraction from him that would free him
١٣. بِلا مَلالٍ مِنهُ يَعتادُهُ
ولا اشتِغالٍ عَنه يَعتاقُهُ
14. A gallant who banished stinginess from his folk
With generosity, until even its grasp feared him
١٤. فَتىً نَفى الإِملاقَ عَن أهلِهِ
بالجودِ حتَّى خِيفَ إِملاقُهُ
15. He meets the days of time as a beggar
While the privileged get their fill of riches
١٥. يَلقَى نَداهُ الدَّهرَ مُستَرزِقاً
وسائِرَ العافينَ أرزاقُهُ
16. Tell the one who gave him succor, guiding him
From the pitfalls of time with compassion
١٦. فقُل لِمَن وافاهُ يَقتادُه
من نَكباتِ الدَّهرِ إشفاقُهُ
17. Time knows no gentle threat
Its thunderbolts and lightning strike
١٧. لا يُحسنُ الدَّهرُ وَعيداً أَتى
إِرعادُهُ فيهِ وإِبراقُهُ
18. If its aspirations are too lofty for you
Then its morals have stooped below you
١٨. فإِن تَعالَت عَنكَ هِمَّاتُه
فقَد تَدانَت منكَ أَخلاقُهُ