
You were distressed, so your eyes shed tears of blood,

جزعت فجزع دمع عينك بالدم

1. You were distressed, so your eyes shed tears of blood,
And do not cry except with kohl of beauty,

١. جَزِعتَ فَجَزع دَمعَ عَينِكَ بالدَّمِ
وَلا تَبكِ طَرزَ الحُسنِ إِلا بِمُعلَمِ

2. You will not be obeyed if you pretend to be sleepless,
Unless you act like those who are sleepless,

٢. فَلستَ مُطاعاً إِن تُعدَّ مُتَيَّماً
إِذا كُنتَ لا تَأتي بِفِعل المُتَيَّمِ

3. Or else ask the person of your eye what is wrong with him,
To every person your heart rushes.

٣. وإِلا فَسَل إِنسانَ عَينكَ ما له
إِلى كلِّ إِنسانٍ بقَلبِكَ يَرتَمي

4. An eye for which I neglected sleep like blame upon it,
So my sleep and my blame are equal in hatred.

٤. وعَينٍ تَركتُ النَّومَ كاللَّومِ عِندَها
فَسِيَّانَ في البَغضاءِ نَومي ولُوَّمي

5. I entered upon her when she took shelter under her shelter,
And she did not appreciate my injustice and I said to her "Conceal,"

٥. دخَلتُ لَها لمَّا جَنَت تَحتَ ما جَنَت
وما استَحسَنَت ظُلمي وقلتُ لَها اكتُمي

6. And she did not know what to conceal and became confused,
So I said "If you do not do good, then learn."

٦. ولم تَدرِ ما كِتمانُه وتَلَجلَجَت
فقُلتُ فإِن لَم تُحسِني فتَعَلَّمي

7. When an eyelid of yours is narrowed with water, then conceal
Its contours from the eyes of people and be silent.

٧. إِذا غصَّ جَفنٌ منك بالماءِ فاستُري
مَحاجِرَهُ عَن أعينِ الناسِ واسجُمي

8. The most beautiful one refused that it be said to me
As it was said "Love made me blind."

٨. وأغيدَ يأبَى حُسنُه أن يُقالَ لي
كَما قيلَ إِن الحُبَّ ربَّتَما عَمي

9. He has a glance that left nothing of me but passion,
And had it been up to me, it would always remain my oath.

٩. لُه نَظَرٌ لَم يُبقِ منِّي سِوى الهَوى
ولَو كانَ منِّي لَم يَزَل فيهِ مَقسمي

10. And a night when my limbs slept,
Except for an eyelid that I kept for seeing in the dark.

١٠. ولَيلَةَ باتَ المالِكونَ جَوارِحي
سِوى مُقلَةٍ بقَّيتُها للتَّظَلُّمِ

11. I rode while the sea was flowing on land,
Over the sun in a darkness from the night, obscure.

١١. ركبتُ وكانَ البَحرُ في البرِّ جارِياً
عَلى الشَّمسِ في داجٍ من اللَّيلِ مُظلِمِ

12. And I made the toes of the horses their bellies
Above the surface of the water, walking like dots.

١٢. وصَيَّرتُ أخفافَ المَطايا بُطونَها
لَها فَوقَ وَجهِ الماءِ مِشيَةَ أرقَمِ

13. And they did not know what the tears yielded in them,
Rather they suspected the generosity of Ali son of Mulham.

١٣. ولَم يعلَموا ما جادَهُ الدَّمعُ فيهمُ
بل اتَّهَموا جَدوى عليِّ بنِ مُلهَمِ

14. A young man who, on the day of battle, does not see
Every frowning face that attacks him but as prey for frowning.

١٤. فتىً لا يَرى يَومَ الوَغى كلَّ ضَيغَمٍ
إِذا رامَهُ إلا فَريسَةَ ضَيغَمِ

15. He has two hands of generosity that when they raid
Destruction, time never heard of something destroyed.

١٥. لَهُ راحَتا جُودٍ إِذا ما أَغارَتا
عَلى العُدم لم تَسمَع زَماناً بمُعدَمِ

16. And a day of meeting when the strokes split his sword
For a day of praise that has no pretender.

١٦. ويَوم لِقاءٍ ثلَّمَ الضَّربُ سَيفَهُ
ليَومِ ثَناءٍ ليسَ بالمُتَثَلّمِ

17. So how many archers whose help was sought
When the enemies overwhelmed him, said words tending to truth:

١٧. فكَم مِن كميٍّ قالَ لمَّا استَحارَهُ
عَليهِ العِدى قَولاً إِلى الصِّدقِ يَنتَمي

18. "Did not his swords addressing you before this
Contain enough proof for one who surrenders?"

١٨. ألَم يكُ فيما خاطَبَتكُم سُيوفُهُ
بهِ قبلَ هَذا حُجَّةٌ للمُسَلِّمِ

19. "Leave me and the times of safety, they are
Few, the one who seeks peace through them will have safety."

١٩. ذَروني وَأوقاتَ السَّلامَةِ إنَّها
قلائِلُ من يَطلُب بِها السّلم يَسلَمِ

20. For I was not one who feeds the birds his flesh
With the sword of a young man whose taste was my taste.

٢٠. فَما كُنتُ ممَّن يُطعِمُ الطَّيرَ لَحمَه
بسَيفِ فَتىً مِن طَعمِه كانَ مَطعَمي

21. And how many orbits of generosity revolved and did not cease
To turn my tongue with praise in my mouth.

٢١. وكَم فَلكٍ للجودِ دارَ فلَم يَزَل
يُديرُ لِسانِي بالمَدائِحِ في فَمي

22. I have cut off to you those who respond with themselves
Upon it, and they did not hasten to precede in sacrifice.

٢٢. قَطعتُ إليكَ المُستَجيبينَ أنفُساً
عليهِ ولَم يُسرِع لَها في التَّقَدُّمِ

23. O Abul Hasan, so be gentle with them to let them attain
For the generous is not like the pretender.

٢٣. أبا حَسنٍ فارفِق عَليهِم لِيُدرِكوا
فَليسَ الكَريمُ الطَّبعِ كالمُتَكرِّمِ