
He is indeed praised for praising, and he stands firm in that praise.

إنما حامد على الحمد وقف

1. He is indeed praised for praising, and he stands firm in that praise.
Among people there is no difference in this regard.

١. إنَّما حامدٌ عَلى الحَمدِ وَقفُ
ليسَ بينَ الأنامِ في ذاكَ خُلفُ

2. His spear bends and so he is bent towards it,
In his hands he has shattering blows and splintering.

٢. يَنثَني رمحُهُ فَيُثنَى علَيهِ
ولَه في يَدَيهِ حطمٌ وقَصفُ

3. Wherever he meets the horsemen with horses,
They yearn to meet him while he remains composed.

٣. حَيثُ يلقى فَوارسَ الخَيلِ بالخَي
لِ فَتَهوى لِقاءهُ وهو حَتفُ

4. He confronts their attacks with deaths,
Then he retains his power and pardons.

٤. يتَلقَّى حُماتَها بالمَنايا
ثُمَّ يُبقي عَلى اقتِدارٍ ويَعفو

5. Then he turns to drinking in a manner,
That matches it in temperament, not turning away.

٥. ثُمَّ يَأتي عَلَى المُدامِ بخلقٍ
مِثلها بالمِزاجِ لا وهيَ صِرفُ