
Shall a secret be left after my secret to a confidant

أيترك سر بعد سري لكاتم

1. Shall a secret be left after my secret to a confidant
You have been unfair, O torrent of pouring tears

١. أيُترَكُ سرٌّ بعدَ سرِّي لكاتِم
لقد جُرتَ يا فَيضَ الدُّمُوع السَّواجمِ

2. Take all people together with weeping so we become equal
Otherwise why have you singled me out for blame?

٢. خُذِ النَّاسَ جَمعاً بالبُكاءِ لنَستَوي
وإلا فَلِم أفرَدتَني باللَّوائِمِ

3. Indeed, holding back tears in the eye of a grieving,
melancholic person is like suppressing rage in the breast of one who holds it in

٣. عَلى أنَّ حَبسَ الدَّمع في عَينِ مُدنفٍ
حَزينٍ كَمِثلِ الغَيظِ في صَدرِ كاظِمِ

4. I say to a caravan, turn back if you are safe
And say: we left him, though he is not safe

٤. أَقولُ لركبٍ اقفِلُوا إن سَلِمتُموا
فقُولوا تَركناهُ وليسَ بسالِمِ

5. When we tried curing him, his relapse upon us increased
As if love were some of the poisons

٥. إذا نحنُ داوَيناهُ زادَ انتِقاضُهُ
عَلينا كأنَّ الحبَّ بَعضُ السَّمائِمِ

6. Oh, if only the masters of passion would restrain him
As they commanded him to violate taboos

٦. ألا ليتَ مُلاكَ الهَوى يَزجرُونَهُ
كما أمرُوهُ بانتِهاكِ المَحارِمِ

7. Nothing tempted me except the indifference of glances
That have lethal blows like spears and swords

٧. فما غَرَّني إلا فُتُورُ لَواحِظٍ
لَها فتكات كالقَنا والصَّوارِمِ

8. They hinder patience, and war is deception
Especially the war of beautiful gazelles

٨. يَحُولونَ دُونَ الصَّبر والحربُ خدعَةٌ
ولا سِيمَا حَربُ الحِسانِ النَّواعِمِ

9. If the steeds of misfortunes race toward me
Then the hands of gifts will be grabbing the bridles

٩. لَئِن رَكضَت خَيلُ الخُطوبِ تُريدُني
فأيدي العَطايا قابِضاتُ الشَّكائِمِ

10. To withhold them from me, for I
Have recounted my darknesses to the son of injustices

١٠. ليَحبِسنَها عَنِّي وذلكَ أنَّني
قَصَصتُ ظُلاماتي عَلى ابنِ المَظالِمي

11. O Abu Al-Hasan, striving with all earnestness and resolve
Toward benevolence, from the mention of which is joy in seasons

١١. أبا الحَسَنِ السَّاعي بجِدٍّ وعَزمَةٍ
إلى حَسَنٍ من ذكرِهِ في المَواسِمِ

12. He is quick to earn praise and is aggressive
When people's concern is earning money

١٢. يروحُ إلى كَسبِ الثَّناءِ وَيغتَدي
إذا كانَ هَمُّ النَّاسِ كَسبَ الدَّراهِمِ

13. And if people neglect the duty of munificence
And the right of gifts, he is the first to stand

١٣. وإن جلسَ الأقوامُ عَن واجِبِ النَّدى
وحقِّ العَطايا كانَ أوَّلَ قائِمِ

14. A young man whose good health and noble countenance
Appeared, for the one seeking him, the faces of generous deeds

١٤. فَتىً ظَهرَت مِن قبلِ رُؤيةِ وَجههِ
لِقاصِدِه العافي وجُوهُ المكَارِمِ

15. He increases in joy whenever one comes seeking
As if he has a longing for every newcomer

١٥. يَزيدُ ابتِهاجاً كلَّما زادَ قاصِداً
كأنَّ بهِ شَوقاً إلى كلِّ قادِمِ

16. As if his chastity which meets the one seeking him
Is, from his exceeding generosity, a dreamer's patience

١٦. كأنَّ الذي يَلقاهُ مِنه عُفاتُهُ
لإفراطِه في جُودِه حُلمُ حالِمِ

17. As if nobility is his inheritance, so Muhammad
Is his brother in it, like a partner dividing shares

١٧. كأنَّ العُلى مِيراثُه فَمُحمَّدٌ
أخوهُ عَليها كالشَّرِيكِ المُقاسِمِ

18. When he builds glory, he builds it pursuing
While many a builder wears away with a demolisher

١٨. إذا ما بَنَى مَجداً بناهُ مُتابعاً
ويا رُبَّ بانٍ باتَ يُبلَى بهادِمِ

19. I saw glory clinging to the two sons of Ali
To this one and that, like a creditor insisting

١٩. رأيتُ العُلى بابنَي عليٍّ تعلَّقَت
بِذا وبِهَذا كالغَريمِ المُلازِمِ

20. This one rivals that in seeking every desirer
To have the equal of its peer's defiance

٢٠. يُزاحِمُ ذا هذا عَلى كلِّ قاصِدٍ
ليَحظَى به فِعلَ النَّظِير المُقاوِمِ

21. And the people have abandoned high ambitions, so whoever strives
For them has the fewest rivals in his striving

٢١. وقَد نَزلَ النَّاسُ المَعالي فَمن سَعَى
لَها سَعيَها أمسَىقليلَ المزاحِمِ