1. My heart was sober until drunkenness pursued it
And memories of beloved ones recalled it
١. فؤادٌ صَحا حتَّى تعقَّبهُ السُّكرُ
وعاودَهُ من طَيفِ أحبابِه ذِكرُ
2. Though patient when near the beloved's abode
In distance, patience itself abandoned it to anguish
٢. وكانَ له في القُربِ صَبر على النَّوى
فأسلَمَهُ في البُعدِ للجَزَعِ الصَّبرُ
3. Marvel, you who my eyelids have spurned
So my heart travels the journey of their turning
٣. قِفوا تَعجَبوا ممَّن رَمتني جُفونُه
فسافَر قَلبي سَفرها أيُّها السَّفرُ
4. His sword watered with magic till it struck me
Then my heart resumed its magic-wrought misguidance
٤. سَقَى نصلَه سِحراً فلما أصابَني
أعادَ فؤادي في غَوايَتِهِ السِّحرُ
5. No more can I taste wine after its draft
No more does the full moon shine after its crescent
٥. فَلا ذُقتُ طَعمَ الخَمرِ من بَعد ريقهِ
ولا لاحَ لي من بَعد غُرَّتِه البَدرُ
6. I, a treacherous slave, betray my Master
If treachery itself were my master
٦. أنا العبدُ غدَّار بمولاهُ آبقٌ
إذا كانَ لي مولاً سجيَّته الغَدرُ
7. Mine is an innocent passion that knew no humiliation
What excuse have I if I impose humiliation?
٧. ولي مُهجةٌ عَذارءُ لم تلقَ ذلَّةً
فَما لِي إذا ألزَمتُها ذلَّةً عُذرُ
8. The motive of her glory called her to Nabhan
She gloried - no prohibition or command affects her
٨. دَعاها إلى نَبهانَ تَسبيبُ عزِّها
فعزَّت فلا نهيٌ علَيها ولا أَمرُ
9. A youth whose munificence serves the eminent in peace
And whom the whites and browns serve in war
٩. فتىً يخدِمُ العَلياءَ في السَّلم جودُه
وتخدِمُه في حَربه البيضُ والسُّمرُ
10. His days between valor and bounty divided
Some allotted to it, some allotted to him
١٠. وأيامُه بينَ الشجاعَةِ والنَّدى
كذا قُسِّمت شَطرٌ لها وله شَطرُ
11. He shares what's in his palm, spending open-handed
Drowning in his bounty, praise and gratitude
١١. يفرِّقُ ما في كفِّه فَيضُ كَفِّهِ
ويَغرَقُ في نَعمائِه الحمد والشكرُ
12. Ibn Bustam established the resurrection of his wealth
So the herald of generosity proclaimed from his wealth, "arise!"
١٢. أقام ابنُ بسطامٍ قيامَةَ ماله
فنادى مُنادي الجودِ من مالِه الحَشرُ
13. To you I came pursuing hopes drawing their train
Since fate sought me out impatiently
١٣. أتَيتُكَ في الآمالِ تَسحبُ ذَيلَها
على عَجَلٍ إذ كانَ يطلبُني الدَّهرُ
14. And cheeks where sober thought led to announce them
The fragrant mention of you spreads among all mankind
١٤. وخَودٍ أتَى الفكرُ الصَّحيحُ يزفُّها
لها ذكرُكَ المَشهورُ بينَ الوَرى عِطرُ
15. Scarce did they appear before their worth was manifest
And for them the tall heavens' vault became too confined
١٥. وما قَصُرَت إلا وقد جلَّ قدرُها
وسارَ علَى السَّبع الطِّوالِ لها فَخرُ
16. Not curtailing through any inability to prolong
Truth of the sublime is that verse cannot fully prolong
١٦. ولم أختصِرها عاجِزاً عن إِطالةٍ
وحقُّ العُلى أن لا يُطاوِلها الشِّعرُ