1. Whoever said that you resemble the radiant moon is not truthful
And the eloquence of your beauty contradicts him and proves otherwise
١. مَن قالَ إنَّكَ تُشبِهُ ال
قَمرَ المُنيرَ فَغيرُ صادِق
2. If the moon had a body and a heart
Your rule over it would have preceded
٢. ولِسانُ حُسنِكَ شاهِدٌ
لكَ بِالخِلافِ عَليهِ ناطِق
3. And perhaps he is one of your lovers
Yet we do not see lovers for the full moon
٣. لو كانَ ذا جَسَدٍ وقَلبٍ
كانَ حُكمكَ فيه سابِق
4. Be assured, O conqueror, that he is confident in his love for you
٤. ولعلَّه من عاشِقي
كَ وما نَرى لِلبَدرِ عاشِق
٥. ثِق يا مُقاتِلُ من فُؤا
دِي أنَّه بِهَواكَ واثِق