1. The weak coward has wronged me,
And the lethal blow comes from a gentle hand.
١. أوهانيَ الواهي الضَّعيفُ
والفَتكُ من طَرفٍ طَريفُ
2. Why did they fear for him,
From affection, yet he is frightening?
٢. ما بالُهُم خافوا عَليه
من الضَّنى وهو المُخيفُ
3. They were stingy, and among people the worst stingy,
Is he whose guest halls are frequented.
٣. بخِلُوا فشَرُّ الناسِ عِن
دَهُم الطروقُ المُستَضيفُ
4. And damsels whose jewelry shone,
Their necklaces were pearls and chrysolite.
٤. وولائدٍ لمعَت قَلا
ئِدُهن درٌّ والشنوفُ
5. And their lips over ivory teeth,
When they smiled were ruby red.
٥. وثغورُهنَّ لَها عَلى الد
دُرَّينِ إذ لمعا شُفوفُ
6. They entertained their lover,
While they were like tender branches.
٦. هيَّفنَ عاشِقهنَّ فه
وَ وهُنَّ كَالأَغصانِ هيفُ
7. And gathered around me thousands,
All of them pouring love.
٧. وجمَعنَ مِن حَولي أُلو
فاً كلُّهُم صبُّ ألوفُ
8. It was as if with all she loves,
She was a leader or officer.
٨. فكأنَّها بِجَميعِ ما
تَهوى نقيبٌ أَو عَريفُ
9. If time has made me stay put,
Still my tales roam about.
٩. إِن كانَ أَقعَدَني الزَّما
نُ فَإنَّ أَخباري تَطوفُ
10. And nothingness urges me,
To seek, but laziness prevents me.
١٠. ويَحثُّني عَدمٌ عَلى
طلبٍ فيَمنَعُني العُزوفُ
11. Not everyone called to nobility,
Abu Al Fadl the noble one,
١١. ما كلُّ مَن يُدعى إِلى
شَرفٍ أَبو الفَضلِ الشَّريفُ
12. Meets time with his own disposition,
Just as time has its own changes.
١٢. يَلقَى الزَّمانَ مزاجُه
مثلُ الزمانِ لَه صُروفُ
13. It tries to bring good health, so if,
It does not come, it lingers.
١٣. تَستَجلبُ العافي فإن لَم
يأتِها جعلَت تَسوفُ
14. And the owner of the excellent home,
Has a noble character.
١٤. ولِصاحِبِ البَيتِ المُني
فِ عَلَى العُلى خُلقٌ منيفُ
15. And people in his avenues,
Follow behind him always.
١٥. والناسُ في طُرقاتِهِ
من خَلفِه أبَداً خُلوفُ
16. As if those walking behind him
Just stand still.
١٦. حتَّى كأنَّ السالِكي
نَ وراءهُ فيها وقوفُ
17. Oppressing the oppression of the government,
In his magnanimity he is quick to help.
١٧. جارٍ عَلى جَورِ الحكو
مَةِ في مكارِمِه عَسوفُ
18. It is as if its injustices,
Have become, through him, virtuous.
١٨. فكأنَّما عدَلَت أنا
مِلُه بِأَن صارَت تحيفُ
19. I woke up while the world,
Was aloof from my companionship.
١٩. أصبحتُ والدُّنيا صدودٌ
عَن مُواصَلتي صدوفُ
20. And I have for you a gift,
That was heavy, yet its carrier is light.
٢٠. ومَعي إليكَ هَدِيَّةٌ
ثقُلَت ومحملُها خَفيفُ
21. A car that changes its pace,
When you drive it, and it is summer.
٢١. سَيارةٌ يَتغَيَّرُ ال
مَشتا عَلَيها والمصيفُ