1. O fighter, fighting is incumbent upon you,
Stay awake, O champion of the arena!
١. قاتِل فقَد وَجَبَ الجِها
دُ علَى جفُونكَ يا مُقاتِل
2. Its arrows are piercing
In the outstanding horsemen.
٢. وسِهامُها نَفَّاذَةٌ
في السَّابِرِيَّاتِ الفَواضِل
3. They spare you the need for the bows of cypress wood
And your Syrian javelins.
٣. تُغنيكَ عَن بيضِ السُّيو
فِ وشَرعِكَ السُّمر الذَّوابِل
4. With them take aim, O best of archers!
For you will overcome any you fight.
٤. ناضِل بِها أَرمَى الرُّماةِ
فأنتَ تَنضُلُ مَن تُناضِل
5. And leave off wrangling with hearts -
For in them there is none you can rival.
٥. واترُك مُنازَلَة القُلو
بِ فلَيسَ فيها مَن تُنازِل