1. Sickness forbade his eyelids to sleep
And ordered him not to obey languor
١. سَقيمٌ نَهاهُ سُقمُ جَفنَيهِ أَن يَسلو
ويأمرُهُ أَن لا يُطاوِعهُ العَذلُ
2. What a command and prohibition combined
Against one who is unequaled and peerless
٢. فيا لكَ مِن أَمرٍ وَنهيٍ تَجمَّعا
عَلى واحدٍ ما فِيهِ عَن واحدٍ فَضلُ
3. Each day your rejection causes him agony
He is accustomed to sighing woefully
٣. لَه كُلّ يومٍ مِن صُدودِكَ لَوعَةٌ
تعوَّدَ أَن يَتلو بِها زَفرَةً تَعلو
4. Misfortunes attack him as if they were
Vanguards of horsemen led by a lion cub
٤. تكرُّ علَيهِ النائِباتُ كأنَّها
طَلائِعُ خَيلٍ جاءَ يَقدُمُها الشِّبلُ
5. Except they are treacherous, whenever trustworthy
On the battle day, the difference between loyalty and betrayal is clear
٥. سِوى أنَّها غَدَّارةٌ كلَّما وَفى
وبينَ الوَفا والغَدرِ يومَ الوَغى فَصلُ
6. It is hard on a young man that the course of time pulls him
And its hands upon him rise and fall
٦. فتىً أن يَجر صَرفُ الزَّمانِ فَصَعدَةٌ
لَها في يَدَيهِ كلَّما اعتَدلَت عَدلُ
7. If a people take pride over him, they only
Have their words to boast, but he has his deeds
٧. وإِن يَفتَخِر قومٌ عَليهِ فإنَّما
لَهُم قَولُهُم في فَخرِهم ولَه فِعلُ
8. Virtues, O son of the Lion, are too narrow for one
Who seeks them from where the lion cub sought them
٨. مَناقِبُ يا ابنَ اللَّيثِ ضاقَت على امرئٍ
يُحاوِلُها من حَيثُ حاوَلَها الشِّبلُ
9. You gained your world, I only
Prayed a prayer generosity does not accept
٩. تمكنتَ من دنياكَ إنِّيَ إنَّما
دَعوتُ دُعاءً لَيسَ يقبلُه البَذلُ
10. And the days with us remain stingy
That the like of you is content, but there is no like
١٠. ولا زالَت الأيامُ فينا بَخيلَةً
بِمِثلِكَ أَن يُقنَى وكَيفَ ولا مِثلُ