
I said to sadness and despair: be upright

قلت للخفض والخمول استقيما

1. I said to sadness and despair: be upright
No ambition draws worries

١. قلتُ للخَفضِ والخُمولِ استَقيما
لا علَت هِمَّةٌ تَجرُّ هُموما

2. O you who sit back from it, make me sit
With you, for I am tired of standing

٢. أيُّها القاعِدونَ عَنها اقعِدوني
مَعكُم قَد سَئِمتُ مِن أَن أَقوما

3. People hear good talk from me
Do they not see a miserable living?

٣. يَسمَعُ الناسُ لي حَديثاً حَميداً
أفَلا يُبصِرونَ عَيشاً ذَميما

4. And I see my state distorting what it writes
My ambition turns nights into stars

٤. وأَرى حالَتي تُصحِّفُ ما تَك
تُبُه هِمَّتي نُحوماً نُجوما

5. Then they said poetry built glory for him
And esteem circulated him in the land

٥. ثمَّ قالوا بَنَى لَه الشِّعرُ مَجداً
وأَطافَ الوَرى بِه تَعظيما

6. And if I shone whenever I said a verse
Praising, I said - and let it be concealed

٦. ولَو اسطَعتُ كلَّما قُلتُ بَيتاً
مادِحاً قُلتُ وليكُن مكتُوما

7. A shyness from all that went from me
Other than what was in the son of Ibrahim

٧. حِشمَة مِن جَميعِ ما سارَ عنِّي
غيرَ ما كانَ في ابنِ إبراهيما

8. Its glories did not disappear from him
So praise appears from them as landmarks

٨. ما عَفت عِندَه ربوعُ المَعالي
فَيُبينُ الثناءُ مِنها رُسوما

9. One with singing voice above praise, so if he
Gave to praisers, he gave generously

٩. ذو غَناءٍ عَنِ الثَّناءِ فإِن جا
دَ عَلى المادِحينَ جادَ كَريما

10. O you who claim the place of Abu Amr
Indeed, what you seek is difficult to attain

١٠. أيُّها المُدَّعي مكانَ أَبي عَم
رٍو لَقَد عَزَّ ما تَرومُ مَروما

11. That one meets the injustice of nights, specifically
And meets their justice generally

١١. ذاكَ يَلقَى جَور اللَّيالي خُصوصاً
ويُلاقي إنصافَهنَّ عُموما

12. And if you meet him, then learn
Perhaps the heights are taken through teaching

١٢. وإِذا ما لَقيتَه فتَعَلَّم
ربَّما تُؤخَذُ العُلى تَعليما

13. And if the fingers of fingers are turned
In a pasture, then patience and resignation

١٣. وإِذا صُرِّفَت بَنانُ بَنانٍ
في يَراعٍ فالصَّبر والتَّسليما

14. So it does not provoke talk the like of
From his enviers except silent

١٤. فَهيَ لا تَبعَثُ الكلامَ عَلى مِث
لِكَ مِن حاسِدِيه إِلا كُلوما

15. A manners from your father in you, father of Amr
And sometimes old talk accompanies the new

١٥. شِيَمٌ مِن أَبيكَ فيكَ أَبا عَم
رٍو وقَد يلحقُ الحَديث القَديما

16. I am among those who went from you and my love
In those who stayed does not cease to stay

١٦. أنا في السائِرينَ عنكَ وودِّي
في المُقيمينَ لا يَزالُ مُقيما