1. Indeed it has a burning passion
That lit my insides aflame
١. إنَّلَها من لَوعةٍ شانا
أضرَمتِ الأحشاءَ نِيرانا
2. And my tears conspired and would not quench it
Flowing freely, lost and confused
٢. وحالفَت دَمعي ولم يُطفِها
وقَد جَرى سَحَّاً وتَهتانا
3. While water remains its foe
Since fire began and since they both existed
٣. والماءُ مازالَ عَدوَّاً لها
مُذ كانَتِ النَّارُ ومُذ كانا
4. But in my time and misery
There is that which makes enemies intimate
٤. لكنَّ في حَيني وفي شِقوتي
ما يَجعلُ الأعداءَ خُلانا
5. And when I stood to bid her farewell
Rushing to hasten our separation
٥. وغادَةٍ قمتُ لتَوديعِها
أسعَى إلى التَّفريقِ عَجلانا
6. My tears flowed and her tears flowed
Falsely, over love and confused
٦. فحارَ دَمعي وجَرى دمعُها
زوراً عَلى الحبِّ وبُهتانا
7. Then she turned saying why should it
Not make him weep, but made me weep
٧. ثم انثنَت قائِلةً ما لَه
لم يُبكِه البَينُ وأبكانا
8. So I said tears flow according to their judgement
And overflowed from eyelids over eyelids
٨. فقلتُ جارَ الدَّمعُ في حُكمِه
فَفاضَ من أجفانِ أجفانا
9. I swore if the heaviness of passion
Became as heavy as high status, I would be joyous
٩. أقسمتُ لَو أَصبَحَ ثقلُ الهَوى
ثِقلَ العُلى أصبحتُ سَعدانا
10. One whose generosity was not content
Except with weaving non-existence into existence
١٠. ذُو راحةٍ لم يَقتَنِع جُودها
إِلا بنسجِ العُدم وُجدانا
11. He built but did not elevate what he built
And had he elevated it would become a landmark
١١. بَنَى ولَم يُعلَ عَلى ما بَنَى
ولَو عَلا أصبَحَ كِيوانا
12. And the critic may sometimes debase himself
With benevolence and kindness towards people
١٢. وربَّما حطَّ النَّدي نفسَه
فَضلاً عَلى النَّاسِ وإِحسانا
13. And what he does at the height
Is considered by some a decrease
١٣. وكانَ ما يَفعلُه في العُلى
زِيادةً تُحسبُ نُقصانا
14. My assumption that led me
To the son of archers did not prove false
١٤. ما كذَبَ الظنُّ الذي قادَني
إلى ابنِ قسَّامٍ ولا خانا
15. His manners establish for me, whenever
I say what I say, proof
١٥. تُقِيمُ لي أخلاقُه كلَّما
قلتُ على ما قلتُ بُرهانا
16. For the object of praise is one whose actions
Remain, in praise, a title
١٦. وإنَّما المَمدوحُ مَن لَم تَزل
أفعالُه في المَدحِ عُنوانا