
Is this my soul conversing or night talk

أحديث نفسي أم سمر

1. Is this my soul conversing or night talk
Or some whisper of thought

١. أحديثُ نَفسي أم سَمَر
أم بعضُ وسوسَةِ الفِكَر

2. Or evil suspicion of the anxious
So where are you Abu Umar

٢. أم سوءُ ظنِّ المُشفقين
فأين أنتَ أبا عُمَر

3. Never, by God, neither sight
Nor news have lied

٣. هيهاتَ لا واللَهِ ما
كذَبَ العيانُ ولا الخَبَر

4. And I saw the councils of benevolence
The leaders of dugout courtyards

٤. ولقد رأيتُ مجالسَ الر
رُؤساءِ أفنِيةَ الحُفَر

5. And I wondered when they panicked and it was
As if patience poured into them

٥. وعجبتُ إذ جَزِعوا وكا
نَ بهم تصبُّرُ من صَبَر

6. And they are mountains of vicissitudes
When time persists with them

٦. وهم جبالُ النائِبا
تِ إذا الزمانُ بِها استَمَر

7. Their souls carried sorrow
Away from them and from other people

٧. حَملَت نفوسهمُ الأسى
عنهم وعن قَومٍ أُخَر

8. No calamity before you
In which they made an impact

٨. لم تمضِ قبلكَ نكبةٌ
ما أثَّروا فيها أثَر

9. But it is the cause that
Lies between death and mortals

٩. لكنَّه السببُ الذي
بينَ المنيَّةِ والبَشَر

10. No good ends in good
Or evil in evil

١٠. لا يَنقَضي خيرٌ فخَي
راً كان أو شرٌّ فَشَر

11. To God is your grave, what it contained
And to Him your place of rest, what it concealed

١١. للَهِ قبرُك ما حوى
وله سَريرُكَ ما أسَر

12. And I had intended to say
You were watered, O grave, by the rain

١٢. ولقد هَممتُ بأن أقو
لَ سُقيتَ يا قَبرُ المَطَر

13. And I saw beneath your soil what
Would be invoked for you, had it appeared

١٣. ورأيتُ تحتَ ثراكَ ما
يُدعى بِه لك لو ظَهَر