1. O you who when an adversary confronts me
His generous palm hastens to help me
١. يا مَن إِذا عارِضٌ تعرَّضَ بي
بادَرَه جودُ كفِّه طَرقَه
2. There is no relief in high places, Abu Faraj
Unless it comes from your highness unsolicited
٢. لا فرجٌ في العُلى أبا فَرجٍ
ما لَم تكُن من عُلاكَ مُسترقَه
3. Tomorrow morning I will complain of the early risers
When the peace delegation disperses in groups
٣. باكرتُ أشكُو المُباكِرينَ غَداً
في فِرَقٍ لِلسَّلامِ مُفتَرقَه
4. They make me the target of their congratulations
I hear papers rustling from each one
٤. قد نَصبُوني لتَهنِياتِهم
أسَمعُ من كلِّ واحدٍ وَرقَه
5. Order them to direct their course away from me
For a feast without expense is no feast
٥. مُرهُم بأَن يَقصُدوا سِوايَ بِها
فَغَيرُ عيدٍ عيدٌ بِلا نَفَقَه
6. Things that persist in recurring to me
And today they have intensified and drawn closer
٦. عَوائدٌ لم تَزَل تُعاوِدُني
واليومَ جدَّت فشدَّت الطَّبَقَه