
Listen to the tales of the scrolls that were famed

اسمع حديث الدواوين التي اشتهرت

1. Listen to the tales of the scrolls that were famed
After exonerating them of frivolity and illness

١. اسمَع حَديثَ الدَّواوين الَّتي اشتُهِرَت
من بَعد تَنزيهِها باللَّهوِ والعِلَلِ

2. They have become while their scrolls their pens created
Along with them their writing does not manifest to me

٢. أضحَت وكتابُها أقلامُهم خلقَت
مَعهم كتابتُها لَيسَت تَبَيَّن لي

3. From every curve of the two cheeks kohl-lined eyes
Of drooping lids concealing cheeks in shyness

٣. من كلِّ مُنعَطفِ الصُّدغَينِ مُكتَحلِ الط
طَرفَينِ مُستَتِرِ الخَدَّينِ بالخَجَلِ

4. When he walks you see in his neck a tilt
And between his thighs a straight unwavering spear

٤. إِذا تَمشى تَرى في قَدِّهِ مَيلاً
وبَينَ فَخذَيهِ رُمحٌ غيرُ ذي مَيَلِ

5. I asked him for union one day and he obligingly responded
With an answer that spurned me in agitation

٥. سَألتُه الوَصلَ يَوماً فاستَجابَ لَه
إِجابةً رَدَّني مِنها عَلى وَجَلِ

6. Until I revealed my state, and he said: If it were not
For what we intend, you would not unite

٦. حتَّى كشَفتُ لَه حالِي فقَالَ إذا
لو كانَ غيرَ الَّذي نَنحوهُ لَم تَصِلِ

7. Upon me are vows and oaths confirmed
That I not rebel upon a back or shoulder

٧. علَيَّ نَذرٌ وأَيمانٌ مُؤكَّدةٌ
أن لا عَلوتُ عَلى ظَهرٍ ولا كَفَلِ

8. So I said: Go safely, fear no breach of your pact by me
For this is not what you fear from my actions

٨. فقلتُ سِر آمِناً مِن نَقضِ عَهدك ذا
فليسَ هَذا الَّذي تَخشاهُ من عَملي

9. I took from him a vengeance that does not obligate me
Firstly, so who was from me Joseph son of Ali?

٩. أخذتُ مِنه بِثَأرٍ لَيسَ يَلزمُني
أولا فَمن كانَ منِّي يوسفُ بن عَلي

10. If he has awoken with paralyzed hands, then
Yesterday his legs were enabled by my legs

١٠. إن كانَ أصبَحَ مُختَلَّ اليَدينِ فَقَد
أمسَت مُمكنَّةً رِجلاهُ من رجُلِ

11. And O slaves of love which descended
Upon them from glory at the highest peaks

١١. ويا عَبيدَ الغَراميلِ التي نَزَلَت
بِهم من المَجدِ في الأَعلى مِن القُلَلِ

12. If an eagle did not honor its fellow
You would not have tattered yourselves in rags and patches

١٢. لَو كانَ يُكرمُ أيرٌ دونَ صاحِبهِ
لَما تَخرَّطتُم في الوَشي والحلَلِ