
The dew between people is strange,

وإن الندى بين الورى لغريبة

1. The dew between people is strange,
When it appears from the right of a young man, it seduces.

١. وإنَّ النَّدى بَينَ الوَرى لغَريبةٌ
إِذا هيَ لاحَت من يَمينِ فَتىً فَتَن

2. What good is my night vigil resisting it,
If fate does not wish me to resist the turns of time?

٢. وهل نافِعي أنِّي أبَيتُ اعتِراضَها
إِذا لَم تَكُن تأباهُ لي نِوبُ الزَّمَن

3. For how little praise is sold among the unworthy,
At paltry prices! As if praise has no people or value,

٣. إلى كَم يُباعُ الحمدُ في غَيرِ أهلِهِ
ببَخسٍ أما للحَمدِ أهلٌ ولا ثَمَن

4. Other than Ibn Ubayd Allah. Such is his generosity -
I do wrong when I say, after you, then who?

٤. سِوى ابنِ عُبيدِ اللَّهِ هذا وجُوده
ظَلَمتُ إذا ما قلتُ بعدَك ثُمَّ مَن

5. As though I made favors my guide,
And they led me to you, Abu al-Hasan.

٥. كأنِّي اتَّخذتُ المَكرُماتِ أدِلَّةً
وسِرتُ فَدلَّتني عليكَ أبا الحَسَن