
The tales of love are recited to him

باتت أساطير الهوى تتلى

1. The tales of love are recited to him
He found them sweet and was enthralled

١. باتَت أَساطيرُ الهَوى تُتلَى
علَيهِ فاستَعذَبَ واستَملَى

2. He crossed the paths of passions
And took to gentle messengers

٢. واعتَرضَ الأهواءَ في طرقها
واتَّخذَ الأَلطافَ والرُّسلا

3. He began to tend to distance and nearness
In their times, estrangement and union

٣. وَصارَ يَرعَى البُعدَ والقُربَ في
وَقتَيهِما والهَجرَ والوَصلا

4. Speech of love remains fair
Unless it leads to action

٤. ولا يَزالُ القَولُ مُستَحسَناً
في الحبِّ ما لَم يَجلِبِ الفِعلا

5. How can I show patience, while passion
Assails the knots of endurance to undo them

٥. كيفَ اصطِباري والهَوى نافِثٌ
في عُقَدِ الصَّبرِ لينحلا

6. I see naught but passion drawing near
Whether the loved one comes or turns away

٦. وما أَرى إِلا هَوىً مُقبِلاً
أقبلَ مَن أَهواهُ أَو وَلَّى

7. Sorrow has filled my body and eyelids
A welcome to an illness that unites kin

٧. عمَّ الضَّنَى جِسمِي وأَجفانَهُ
أَهلاً بسُقمٍ يَجمَعُ الشَّملا

8. He placed around necks from his bounty
Necklaces I took as messengers

٨. أَلقى عَلَىالأَعناقِ مِن جُودِه
قَلائِداً تَخِذتُها رُسلا

9. If they bow to him, he guided them
Or if they recoiled, he pulled their rope

٩. فهيَ إن انقادَت لَه قادَها
أو جَمَحَت مدَّ لَها حَبلا

10. Of noble traits no trace remains
Except remnants weighed heavy

١٠. مكارِمٌ لَم يَبقَ مِن رَسمِها
إِلا بَقايا وَزَنَت ثِقلا

11. Written at the house of Aflah
And from the house of Aflah are sought

١١. عِندَ بَني أَفلحَ مكتوبَةٌ
ومِن بَني أفلَحَ تُستَملَى

12. A youth whose deeds aged him
And many a deed made a child gray

١٢. فتىً دعَتهُ الشَّيخَ أفعالُهُ
وربَّ فِعلٍ شَيَّخَ الطِّفلا

13. And so it is with people, when examined
The greatest of them in deed is the oldest

١٣. وهكَذا الناسُ إِذا فُتِّشوا
أكبرهُم أكبرهُم فِعلا

14. If one lives to see the feast and its deeds
The feast never saw the likes of him

١٤. إن أدرَكَ العيدَ وأفعالَه
فَالعيدُ لَم يُدرِك لَه مِثلا