1. Let not the ban tree branch make you sad if it bent,
I will replace it for you today with other branches.
١. لا يَفجَعنَّكَ غُصنُ البانِ إن بانا
واخرُج أعوِّضكَ منه اليوم أغصانا
2. Far be it, the one you left alone,
That as long as I live, I will feel for him like peers.
٢. هَيهاتَ ذاكَ الَّذي فارَقتَ مُنفَرِداً
من أن تُحسَّ لَه ما عِشتَ أقرانا
3. A camel to ride on a rugged ascent in soft sand
Is hard to climb, however gentle the pace may be.
٣. مركَّبٌ من كَثِيبٍ في نَقىً عَسِرٌ
أن يُرتَقَى خَشِنُ المَسعَى وإن لانا
4. Like you, many a night cupbearer and his cup
Did not prevent the night from sinking in darkness.
٤. قد كان مثلَكَ مِن كأسٍ وحامِلها
ما يَمنعُ اللَّيلَ أن يَدجُو ويَغشانا
5. If you are patient in keeping secret what they did
And what you did, you would be to me as you were before.
٥. فإن صَبرتَ على كتمانِ ما فَعَلا
وما فَعلتَ تَكُن عِندي كَما كانا
6. Did you hear of anyone like me who made
Of the dawn's light a regret for his nights?
٦. فهَل سمِعتُم بمِثلي كانَ مُتَّخِذاً
بلَيلِهِ من ضِياءِ الصُّبحِ نَدمانا
7. As if the son of joy throughout the roads
Kept sending me lights and fires.
٧. كأنَّما ابنُ سُرورٍ باتَ يَبعَثُ لي
في سائِر الطُّرقِ أنواراً ونيرانا
8. And I remember the son of joy for his virtues
And his nearness, I forgot today to forget.
٨. وأذكُر ابنَ سُرورٍ في مَكارمِهِ
وقُربهِ فأمِنتُ اليومَ نِسيانا
9. Generosity adds to his beauty when it takes him over,
And the sword looks the best when bare.
٩. يزيدُهُ الجُودُ حُسناً حِين يَسلبُه
والسَّيفُ أحسَنُ ما تَلقاهُ عُريانا
10. While the neighbor sought shelter in a corner, you
Erected buildings around me and pillars.
١٠. والجارُ يَأوي إلى رُكنٍ وأنتَ فَقَد
نَصبتَ أبنِيةً حَولي وأَركانا
11. And I remember the son of joy with joy in him
When I sobered up and worry left drunk.
١١. وأذكُر ابنَ سُرورٍ بالسُّرورِ بِه
إذا انتَشَيتُ وراحَ الهمُّ سَكرانا
12. I saw none but his virtues around me
Standing, seen by people as clear as the sun.
١٢. وصرتُ ليسَ أرَى إلا مَكارمَهُ
حَولي قِياماً يَراها النَّاسُ أعيانا
13. Wherever I turned, I found generosity blocking the way
Rolling up his sleeves, awake, expecting command.
١٣. حيثُ التَفتُّ وجَدتُ الجُود مُعتَرِضاً
مشمِّراً لانتِظارِ الأمرِ يَقظانا
14. If I said, "Confirm me," the dew confirmed me in you
And he swore alike and swore oaths.
١٤. إِن قُلتُ صدَّقَني فيكَ النَّدى وأَتى
بِمِثل قَولي وآلى فيه أَيمانا
15. Glory to Him who copied generosity
In one of His sons today, glory to Him.
١٥. سُبحانَ من نَسخَ الجَفنِيَّ مِن كَرَمٍ
في واحدٍ من بَنِيهِ اليومَ سُبحانا
16. And people wonder that I singled him out
While God singled him out in generosity and benevolence.
١٦. ويَعجبُ الناسُ مِن أنِّي انفَرَدتُ به
واللَّهُ أفرَدَهُ جُوداً وإحسانا
17. I am but praising what is to be praised, so who
Was Jafnah's son among them, I would have lauded.
١٧. وإنَّما أنا مَوقُوفُ الثَّناءِ فمَن
كانَ ابنُ جَفنَةَ مِنهم كنتُ حَسَّانا