
He showed his love for birds and their nests

بينته يهوى الطيور ويو

1. He showed his love for birds and their nests
Among the mountains and the plains alike

١. بيَّنتهُ يهوى الطيورَ ويُو
فيهنَّ من جَبلٍ ومِن سَهلِ

2. And in this he found, from his work
Preoccupation, though not devoid of work

٢. ولَه بذلكَ مِن عَمالَتِه
شُغلٌ وما أَخلاهُ من شُغلِ

3. And I did pass by his house unthinkingly
Hearing within a humming like that of bees

٣. ولقَد مَرَرتُ بدارِهِ عَبَثاً
فَسَمِعتُ مثلَ كوائِرِ النَّحلِ

4. So I returned seeking what I could praise
And found he had already won it before me

٤. فرَجَعتُ أطلُبُ ما أمتُّ به
فوَجَدتُه قَد حيزَ من قَبلي

5. And so I praised him, speaking his virtues
And wrote as if taking dictation

٥. فَمدحتُهُ أحكي فَواختَهُ
وكتبتُ وهيَ كأنَّها تُملي