
God did not task you, O horse, with carrying the sea or the night,

ما كلف الله لك الخيلا

1. God did not task you, O horse, with carrying the sea or the night,
Nor did we see, before you, a horse on which trailed a tail.

١. ما كلَّفَ اللَّهُ لكَ الخَيلا
أَن تَحملَ البَحرَ ولا اللَّيلا

2. You took the place of the wind in carrying burdens -
Expending your strength and wits.

٢. وَلا رَأَينا فَرَساً قَبلَهُ
أرخَت عَليهِ مُزنةٌ ذَيلا

3. Your known quality in color resembles the Nile,
And it fancied to resemble it in flooding.

٣. قامَ مَقامَ الرِّيحِ في حَملِها
فاستفرَغَ القوّةَ والحيلا

4. The land was thirsty, so in its eagerness,
It cast upon it rain and torrent.

٤. أشبهَ مَعروفَكَ في لَونِه
وَهمَّ أَن يُشبِهَهُ نَيلا

٥. واستَسقَت الأَرضُ فَمِن حِرصِه
ألقَى عَلَيها الغَيثَ والسَّيلا