
My rope has worn out from twisting

أصرمت حبلك من لمي

1. My rope has worn out from twisting,
Has the rain stopped today or is its absence prolonged?

١. أَصرَمتَ حَبلَكَ مِن لَمي
سَ اليَومَ أَم طالَ اِجتِبابُه

2. And I have certainly wandered the district after sleep
As its dogs bark and awaken me,

٢. وَلَقَد طَرَقتُ الحَيَّ بَع
دَ النَومِ تَنبَحُني كِلابُه

3. With a well-groomed, smooth trunk,
Its mourning women wailing over it.

٣. بِمُشَذَّبٍ كَالجِذعِ صا
كَ عَلى تَرائِبِهِ خِضابُه

4. Smooth, adorned with a soft tether,
Its cheek soft, its side graceful.

٤. سَلِسٍ مُقَلَّدُهُ أَسي
لٍ خَدُّهُ مَرِعٍ جَنابُه

5. In an unmarried one, and elite, honorable
Month, its affliction will not make me unmarried.

٥. في عازِبٍ وَسَميِّ شَه
رٍ لَن يُعَزِّبَني مَصابُه

6. The wind has descended upon it as it would
Descend to a hated king his storm cloud.

٦. حَطَّت لَهُ ريحٌ كَما
حُطَّت إِلى مَلِكٍ عِيابُه

7. And I have certainly lingered in the present
Until, when its wolves swarmed, it dripped honey.

٧. وَلَقَد أَطَفتُ بِحاضِرٍ
حَتّى إِذا عَسَلَت ذِئابُه

8. And Sagga, who used to prevent
Some of the aspirations of its climbing, listened.

٨. وَصَغا قُمَيرٌ كانَ يَم
نَعُ بَعضَ بِغيَةٍ اِرتِقابُه

9. I walked the walk of fear,
Feigning its boldness.

٩. أَقبَلتُ أَمشي مِشيَةَ ال
خَشيانِ مُزوَرّاً جِنابُه

10. And there a gazelle, the lovely eyed,
Its saliva pleasing to me.

١٠. وَإِذا غَزالٌ أَحوَرُ ال
عَينَينِ يُعجِبُني لِعابُه

11. Beauty, adorned with its jewelry,
And the throat most fragrant are its garments.

١١. حَسَنٌ مُقَلَّدُ حَليِهِ
وَالنَحرُ طَيِّبَةٌ مَلابُه

12. Radiant, delighted by its visit,
And the palm beautified by its dye.

١٢. غَرّاءُ تَبهَجُ زَولَهُ
وَالكَفُّ زَيَّنَها خِضابُه

13. I would cross it by swimming even if
Its forest were flooded.

١٣. لَعَبَرتُهُ سَبحاً وَلَو
غُمِرَت مَعَ الطَرفاءِ غابُه

14. And even if between meeting it
Were a slippery mountain its precipices.

١٤. وَلَوَ اِنَّ دونَ لِقائِها
جَبَلاً مُزَلِّقَةً هِضابُه

15. I would look from where surmounting,
And the best of its roads is its pass.

١٥. لَنَظَرتُ أَنّى مُرتَقا
هُ وَخَيرُ مَسلَكِهِ عِقابُه

16. I would come to it though the lover
Is obligated, base, his clothes dirty.

١٦. لَأَتَيتُها إِنَّ المُحِب
بَ مُكَلَّفٌ دَنِسٌ ثِيابُه

17. And even if between meeting it
Were a sticky marsh its pits.

١٧. وَلَوَ اِنَّ دونَ لِقائِها
ذا لِبدَةٍ كَالزُجِّ نابُه

18. I would come to it with the sword walking,
Neither deviating nor fearing its horror.

١٨. لَأَتَيتُهُ بِالسَيفِ أَم
شي لا أُهَدَّ وَلا أَهابُه

19. And I have a cousin whose poetry
Still has no maturity though its stirrups aged,

١٩. وَلِيَ اِبنُ عَمٍّ ما يَزا
لُ لِشِعرِهِ خَبَباً رِكابُه

20. It raced and roamed and for an hour
Its clouds drizzled.

٢٠. سَحّاً وَساحِيَةً وَعَم
ما ساعَةٍ ذَلِقَت ضَبابُه

21. Why does he whose advice
I used to guard, his absence makes me angry?

٢١. ما بالُ مَن قَد كانَ حَظ
ظي مِن نَصيحَتِهِ اِغتِيابُه

22. He throws the scorpions of his words
When he sees I fear him.

٢٢. يُزجي عَقارِبَ قَولِهِ
لَمّا رَأى أَنّي أَهابُه

23. O you who sees Remman empty,
Ruined, with its doors broken.

٢٣. يا مَن يَرى رَيمانَ أَم
سى خاوِياً خَرِباً كِعابُه

24. The foxes have become its people
After those who were its destination.

٢٤. أَمسى الثَعالِبُ أَهلَهُ
بَعدَ الَّذينَ هُمُ مَآبُه

25. From Sogha judged, and from
A king for whom its reward was counted.

٢٥. مِن سوقَةٍ حَكَمٍ وَمِن
مَلِكٍ يُعَدُّ لَهُ ثَوابُه

26. The horses leaped upon it after Aksum
Until its doors were destroyed.

٢٦. بَكَرَت عَلَيهِ الفُرسُ بَع
دَ الحُبشِ حَتّى هُدَّ بابُه

27. You see it razed, its heights
And it is leveled with its soil swept.

٢٧. فَتَراهُ مَهدومَ الأَعا
لي وَهوَ مَسحولٌ تُرابُه

28. And I saw it in prosperity
Its side green.

٢٨. وَلَقَد أَراهُ بِغِبطَةٍ
في العَيشِ مُخضَرّاً جَنابُه

29. Then it became empty and none of enduring
Youth lasts forever its youth.

٢٩. فَخَوى وَما مِن ذي شَبا
بٍ دائِمٍ أَبَداً شَبابُه

30. But do you see lightning in the
Two mountains pleasing to me its hastening?

٣٠. بَل هَل تَرى بَرقاً عَلى ال
جَبَلَينِ يُعجِبُني اِنجِيابُه

31. From falling edges having
A pouring its clouds watered.

٣١. مِن ساقِطِ الأَكنافِ ذي
زَجَلٍ أَرَبَّ بِهِ سَحابُه

32. Like an ostrich suspended
When a monkey, its friend, approached.

٣٢. مِثلِ النَعامِ مُعَلَّقاً
لَمّا دَنا قِرداً رَبابُه

33. And I have witnessed the shameless merchant
His drink forbidden.

٣٣. وَلَقَد شَهِدتُ التاجِرَ ال
أُمّانَ مَوروداً شَرابُه

34. With the bowl, tray, and
Jug, its garments covering them.

٣٤. بِالصَحنِ وَالمِصحاةِ وَال
إِبريقِ يَحجُبُها عِلابُه

35. So if the people ask him to settle accounts
His reckoning does not bother me.

٣٥. فَإِذا تُحاسِبُهُ النَدا
مى لا يُعَدّيني حِسابُه

36. With imperfect weights the cheat
Followed by the one whose fang split.

٣٦. بِالبازِلِ الكَوماءِ يَت
بَعُها الَّذي قَد شَقَّ نابُه

37. And I witnessed the army beneath
Its master, its eagle soaring.

٣٧. وَلَقَد شَهِدتُ الجَيشَ تَخ
فِقُ فَوقَ سَيِّدِهِم عُقابُه

38. So I gained unlike what
They gained when its spoils were divided.

٣٨. فَأَصَبتُ مِن غَيرِ الَّذي
غَنِموا إِذِ اِقتُسِمَت نِهابُه

39. But ask Kindah, inform me
Of the son of Kabasha what his character.

٣٩. بَل آلَ كِندَةَ خَبِّروا
عَنِ اِبنِ كَبشَةَ ما مَعابُه

40. Misery is like a pearl the day
His companions parted from him.

٤٠. إِنَّ الرَزيئةَ مِثلُ حَب
وَةَ يَومَ فارَقَهُ صِحابُه

41. The fragrance of musk wafted when his
Tent was attacked.

٤١. بادَ العَتادُ وَفاحَ ري
حُ المِسكِ إِذ هُجِمَت قِبابُه

42. Who will convey to me Rabīʿah
Then does not forget its reward?

٤٢. مَن ذا يُبَلِّغُني رَبي
عَةَ ثُمَّ لا يُنسى ثَوابُه

43. Whenever I come to it
The forelegs of my she-camel are not dry its reward.

٤٣. إِنّي مَتى ما آتِهِ
لا يَجفُ راحِلَتي ثَوابُه

44. The generous one, son of generous
For every generous there is his profit.

٤٤. إِنَّ الكَريمَ اِبنَ الكَري
مِ لِكُلِّ ذي كَرَمٍ نِصابُه