1. The young man is blamed if his slipper slips
And they rebuke him for fearing death's certainty
١. يَلُمنَ الفَتى إِن زَلَّتِ النَعلُ زَلَّةً
وَهُنَّ عَلى رَيبِ المَنونِ خَواذِلُ
2. They say, "Life after your death is bitter"
And they, when they cease to care for you, are fickle
٢. يَقُلنَ حَياةٌ بَعدَ مَوتِكَ مُرَّةٌ
وَهُنَّ إِذا قَفَّينَ عَنكَ ذَواهِلُ
3. When will you come galloping with your saddlebags?
Enduring, you avoided us though your head bowed
٣. مَتى تَأتِنا تَعدو بِسَرجِكَ لِقوَةٌ
صَبورٌ تَجَنَّبنا وَرَأسُكَ مائِلُ
4. You warded off the enemies on the day of maze
Repelling the sharp blades that polished lances nicked
٤. صَدَدتَ عَنِ الأَعداءِ يَومَ عُباعِبٍ
صُدودَ المَذاكي أَقرَعَتها المَساحِلُ