
A vision of Qutaila haunted me after she passed,

ألم خيال من قتيلة بعدما

1. A vision of Qutaila haunted me after she passed,
Though her tent rope was of our rope, so they intertwined.

١. أَلَمَّ خَيالٌ مِن قُتَيلَةَ بَعدَما
وَهى حَبلُها مِن حَبلِنا فَتَصَرَّما

2. I spent the night as if I were drinking, after dozing,
A red hangover thought to be pure when poured.

٢. فَبِتُّ كَأَنّي شارِبٌ بَعدَ هَجعَةٍ
سُخامِيَّةً حَمراءَ تُحسَبُ عَندَما

3. When it is decanted from its vat, its odor emerges,
Having been brought out from the darkness of the bowels.

٣. إِذا بُزِلَت مِن دَنِّها فاحَ ريحُها
وَقَد أُخرِجَت مِن أَسوَدِ الجَوفِ أَدهَما

4. It has a guard who does not leave its home through time;
When slaughtered he prays over it and glorifies it.

٤. لَها حارِسٌ ما يَبرَحُ الدَهرَ بَيتَها
إِذا ذُبِحَت صَلّى عَلَيها وَزَمزَما

5. In Babylon it was not pressed, so it came choice
Mingling with cloves and sealed musk.

٥. بِبابِلَ لَم تُعصَر فَجاءَت سُلافَةً
تُخالِطُ قِنديداً وَمِسكاً مُخَتَّما

6. A cupbearer circles us, one of persistent ill omen,
Light, gliding, his hands ever bloodstained.

٦. يَطوفُ بِها ساقٍ عَلَينا مُتَوَّمٌ
خَفيفٌ ذَفيفٌ ما يَزالُ مُفَدَّما

7. With a goblet and ewer as if its drink,
When poured in the bowl, mingled with ruins.

٧. بِكَأسٍ وَإِبريقٍ كَأَنَّ شَرابَهُ
إِذا صُبَّ في المِصحاةِ خالَطَ بَقَّما

8. We have two parlors by it and bougainvillea
And lilies and marjoram murmuring.

٨. لَنا جُلَّسانٌ عِندَها وَبَنَفسَجٌ
وَسيسِنبَرٌ وَالمَرزَجوشُ مُنَمنَما

9. Myrtle, and Syrian pear, and bittersweet,
When spring has come and aromatic herbs exhale.

٩. وَآسٌ وَخيرِيٌّ وَمَروٌ وَسَوسَنٌ
إِذا كانَ هِنزَمنٌ وَرُحتُ مُخَشَّما

10. Yellow jasmine and lily and narcissus
Give us good morning in every darkened valley.

١٠. وَشاهَسفَرِم وَالياسَمينُ وَنَرجِسٌ
يُصَبِّحُنا في كُلِّ دَجنٍ تَغَيَّما

11. The pipe of the lutes and flutes and the tambourine
Answering the cymbals when they resonate.

١١. وَمُستُقُ سينينٍ وَوَنٌّ وَبَربَطٌ
يُجاوِبُهُ صَنجٌ إِذا ما تَرَنَّما

12. And honest lads, no rancor among them,
Who have made me their paragon, honored.

١٢. وَفِتيانُ صِدقٍ لا ضَغائِنَ بَينَهُم
وَقَد جَعَلوني فَيسَحاهاً مُكَرَّما

13. Leave this be! But how many a bewildered land
Have I traversed with my zebra when night darkened,

١٣. فَدَع ذا وَلَكِن رُبَّ أَرضٍ مُتيهَةٍ
قَطَعتُ بِحُرجوجٍ إِذا اللَيلُ أَظلَما

14. With a she-camel like a stallion, bold in it,
When the praying rider paused and donned his headcloth.

١٤. بِناجِيَةٍ كَالفَحلِ فيها تَجاسُرٌ
إِذا الراكِبُ الناجي اِستَقى وَتَعَمَّما

15. You see her little eye on the side of her forehead
Watching in my hands the forbidden herd

١٥. تَرى عَينَها صَغواءَ في جَنبِ مُؤقَها
تُراقِبُ في كَفّي القَطيعَ المُحَرَّما

16. As if my saddlebags, the boys, and belongings
Were on the back of a shaggy-necked unruly camel.

١٦. كَأَنّي وَرَحلي وَالفِتانَ وَنُمرُقي
عَلى ظَهرِ طاوٍ أَسفَعِ الخَدِّ أَخثَما

17. Over it a striped cloth beneath which
Rested a rug of Askar mingled with darkness.

١٧. عَلَيهِ دَيابوذٌ تَسَربَلَ تَحتَهُ
أَرَندَجَ إِسكافٍ يُخالِطُ عِظلِما

18. So he passed the night gentle to the heavens as if
Accommodating a group of the solitary dejected.

١٨. فَباتَ عَذوباً لِلسَماءِ كَأَنَّما
يُوائِمُ رَهطاً لِلعَزوبَةِ صُيَّما

19. Taking refuge in the arms of a windswept dune
Enveloping him, the draft of a north wind leaving the face darker.

١٩. يَلوذُ إِلى أَرطاةِ حِقفٍ تَلُفُّهُ
خَريقُ شَمالٍ تَترُكُ الوَجهَ أَقتَما

20. Leaning on his side he dug its veins
On the back of the naked road, confused.

٢٠. مُكِبّاً عَلى رَوقَيهِ يَحفِرُ عِرقَها
عَلى ظَهرِ عُريانِ الطَريقَةِ أَهيَما

21. So when dawn lit up he rose hastily
And the moment came to unleash the flock from where it camped.

٢١. فَلَمّا أَضاءَ الصُبحُ قامَ مُبادِراً
وَحانَ اِنطِلاقُ الشاةِ مِن حَيثُ خَيَّما

22. The dogs of the young man, ‘Awf ibn al-Aram, met it
At daybreak and released it from his enclosure.

٢٢. فَصَبَّحَهُ عِندَ الشُروقِ غُدَيَّةً
كِلابُ الفَتى البَكرِيُّ عَوفِ بنِ أَرقَما

23. They hounded it from morn till the night overtook it
And it endured patiently the afternoon, so it persevered.

٢٣. فَأَطلَقَ عَن مَجنوبِها فَاِتَّبَعنَهُ
كَما هَيَّجَ السامي المُعَسِّلُ خَشرَما

24. And I inclined toward the ill-omened one my hands, so I repelled it
With more ardent than the branch of the tree of sadness.

٢٤. لَدُن غُدوَةً حَتّى أَتى اللَيلُ دونَهُ
وَجَشَّمَ صَبراً رَوقَهُ فَتَجَشَّما

25. And I inclined toward it when he shook in the chest his throat
As the one with the lute excites the singing girls.

٢٥. وَأَنحى عَلى شُؤمى يَدَيهِ فَذادَها
بِأَظمَأَ مِن فَرعِ الذُؤابَةِ أَسحَما

26. So the panels of its chest shook with the throat of his zebra
As the one with the lute excites the aligned girls.

٢٦. وَأَنحى لَها إِذ هَزَّ في الصَدرِ رَوقَهُ
كَما شَكَّ ذو العودِ الجَرادَ المُخَزَّما

27. And he wheeled about like a wounded ostrich, fleeing and wary,
Shielding from the heat of Sirima, respected.

٢٧. فَشَكَّ لَها صَفحاتِها صَدرُ رَوقِهِ
كَما شَكَّ ذو العودِ الجَرادَ المُنَظَّما

28. That was after the struggle when I compared my she-camel,
If the sheep one day in the meadow brays,

٢٨. وَأَدبَرَ كَالشَعرى وُضوحاً وَنُقبَةً
يُواعِنُ مِن حَرِّ الصَريمَةِ مُعظَما

29. Despairing that my Lord has denied it
The days of time, but honor and nobility.

٢٩. فَذَلِكَ بَعدَ الجَهدِ شَبَّهتُ ناقَتي
إِذا الشاةُ يَوماً في الكِناسِ تَجَرثَما

30. God made it grow above every tribe,
A father, then a father who disdains baseness wherever.

٣٠. تَؤُمُّ إِياساً إِنَّ رَبّي أَبى لَهُ
يَدَ الدَهرِ إِلّا عِزَّةً وَتَكَرُّما

31. And it never retreats one day to oppress and its face darkens
To ride disability or contend with sin.

٣١. نَماهُ الإِلَهُ فَوقَ كُلَّ قَبيلَةٍ
أَباً فَأَباً يَأبى الدَنِيَّةَ أَينَما

32. If the honor of mankind were on the top of a craggy
Jagged rock perceiving the one who limps,

٣٢. وَلَم يَنتَكِس يَوماً فَيُظلِمَ وَجهُهُ
لِيَركَبَ عَجزاً أَو يُضارِعَ مَأثَما

33. The Lord of men would give you the key to its gate,
And if there were no gate, He would give you a ladder.

٣٣. وَلَو أَنَّ عِزَّ الناسِ في رَأسِ صَخرَةٍ
مُلَملَمَةٍ تُعيّ الأَرَحَّ المُخَدَّما

34. So the Nile of Egypt when its torrents rise,
And the sea of Baniqya when it flows abundantly,

٣٤. لَأَعطاكَ رَبُّ الناسِ مِفتاحَ بابِها
وَلَو لَم يَكُن بابٌ لَأَعطاكَ سُلَّما

35. With more generous than it, obtaining. Some of them,
When asked a kindness, turn away and frown.

٣٥. فَما نيلُ مِصرٍ إِذ تَسامى عُبابُهُ
وَلا بَحرُ بانِقيا إِذا راحَ مُفعَما

36. He is the giver of the perfections of character to his neighbor
Likened always to a constant downpour or heavily laden palms.

٣٦. بِأَجوَدَ مِنهُ نائِلاً إِنَّ بَعضَهُم
إِذا سُئِلَ المَعروفَ صَدَّ وَجَمجَما

37. And every full pool is limited in its extent
And every torrent like the plowshare, blackish.

٣٧. هُوَ الواهِبُ الكومَ الصَفايا لِجارِهِ
يُشَبَّهنَ دَوماً أَو نَخيلاً مُكَمَّما

38. And every source of honor like the channel of a torrent
And the most generous hand of the servant, debased.

٣٨. وَكُلَّ كُمَيتٍ كَالقَناةِ مَحالُهُ
وَكُلَّ طِمِرٍّ كَالهِراوَةِ أَدهَما

39. And every high-mettled one like the Phoenician parcel
Dragging to the shop a sack, marked.

٣٩. وَكُلَّ مِزاقٍ كَالقَناةِ طِمِرِّةٍ
وَأَجرَدَ جَيّاشَ الأَجارِيِّ مِرجَما

40. And he left no desperate man among people like him
To remedy a wrong or undertake a debt.

٤٠. وَكُلَّ ذَمولٍ كَالفَنيقِ وَقَينَةٍ
تَجُرُّ إِلى الحانوتِ بُرداً مُسَهَّما

٤١. وَلَم يَدعُ مَلهوفٌ مِنَ الناسِ مِثلَهُ
لِيَدفَعَ ضَيماً أَو لِيَحمِلَ مَغرَما