1. Happiness has appeared, though its rope has become worn,
And separation has created in me longing and sleeplessness.
١. بانَت سُعادُ وَأَمسى حَبلُها رابا
وَأَحدَثَ النَأيُ لي شَوقاً وَأَوصابا
2. My good fortune and my abandonment have gathered,
When it saw that today my head has become white-haired.
٢. وَأَجمَعَت صُرمَنا سُعدى وَهِجرَتَنا
لَمّا رَأَت أَنَّ رَأسي اليَومَ قَد شابا
3. Days used to be bright for us instead of cold and monotonous,
Their taste by night seemed to be perfumed.
٣. أَيّامَ تَجلو لَنا عَن بارِدٍ رَتِلٍ
تَخالُ نَكهَتَها بِاللَيلِ سُيّابا
4. And the cheek of a weaver girl reciting her spindles
With the soft, pliant ogamy and whatever is pleasant.
٤. وَجيدِ مُغزِلَةٍ تَقرو نَواجِذُها
مِن يانِعِ المَردِ ما اِحلَولى وَما طابا
5. And the eye of a wild animal that fell asleep but was kept awake
By the sound of wolves, so she came hurrying towards them.
٥. وَعَينِ وَحشِيَّةٍ أَغفَت فَأَرَّقَها
صَوتُ الذِئابِ فَأَوفَت نَحوَهُ دابا
6. A gazelle like a ram of shifting sands, its lower part
Covered with the beauty of decoration and long robes.
٦. هِركَولَةٌ مِثلُ دِعصِ الرَملِ أَسفَلُها
مَكسُوَّةٌ مِن جَمالِ الحُسنِ جِلبابا
7. She inclines languidly on the litter with braided tresses
That give off perfume when she moves them.
٧. تُميلُ جَثلاً عَلى المَتنَينِ ذا خُصَلٍ
يَحبو مَواشِطَهُ مِسكاً وَتَطيابا
8. A doe, restless, brisk, plump, fleshy,
That was saturated as if with liquid pearls.
٨. رُعبوبَةٌ فُنُقٌ خُمصانَةٌ رَدَحٌ
قَد أُشرِبَت مِثلَ ماءِ الدُرِّ إِشرابا
9. And a roving, fleeing, barren hyena whose
Watering places I have burdened an old she-ass with.
٩. وَمَهمَهٍ نازِحٍ قَفرٍ مَسارِبُهُ
كَلَّفتُ أَعيَسَ تَحتَ الرَحلِ نَعّابا
10. It neighs to awaken the nomads with a sound like thunder, connected,
Supported above it with a door.
١٠. يُنبي القُتودَ بِمِثلِ البُرجِ مُتَّصِلاً
مُؤَيَّداً قَد أَنافوا فَوقَهُ بابا
11. As if its saddle and its pillow and its cloak
Were black adornments upon the cheeks.
١١. كَأَنَّ كوري وَميسادي وَميثَرَتي
كَسَوتُها أَسفَعَ الخَدَّينِ عَبعابا
12. I diverted it with a shower and a downpour towards a rider
Upon it whose mouth was concealed with the headcloth.
١٢. أَلجاهُ قَطرٌ وَشَفّانٌ لِمُرتَكِمٍ
مِنَ الأَميلِ عَلَيهِ البَغرُ إِكثابا
13. And it spent the night in a howdah it sought refuge in
While the litter pole flowed over its back pouring down.
١٣. وَباتَ في دَفِّ أَرطاةٍ يَلوذُ بِها
يَجري الرَبابُ عَلى مَتنَيهِ تَسكابا
14. The lightning flashed from a heavy laden cloud,
Its zigzag seemed like a star in the horizon.
١٤. تَجلو البَوارِقُ عَن طَيّانَ مُضطَمِرٍ
تَخالُهُ كَوكَباً في الأُفقِ ثَقّابا
15. Until when the horn of the sun shone or it grew large,
It felt some great heat at dawn snarling.
١٥. حَتّى إِذا ذَرَّ قَرنُ الشَمسِ أَو كَرَبَت
أَحَسَّ مِن ثُعَلٍ بِالفَجرِ كَلّابا
16. So it began snorting, trotting briskly, kicking,
With necklaces on its chest it shook off and scattered.
١٦. يُشلي عِطافاً وَمَجدولاً وَسَلهَبَةً
وَذا القِلادَةِ مَحصوفاً وَكَسّابا
17. Some boys whose livelihood was raiding those wild cows
For they were bound to poverty and misery for lifetimes.
١٧. ذو صِبيَةٍ كَسبُ تِلكَ الضارِياتِ لَهُم
قَد حالَفوا الفَقرَ وَاللَأواءَ أَحقابا
18. So it surrendered, not ceasing its pace out of panic,
You could see the certainty of fear in its retreat.
١٨. فَاِنصاعَ لا يَأتَلي شَدّاً بِخَذرَفَةٍ
تَرى لَهُ مِن يَقينِ الخَوفِ إِهذابا
19. And they are connected, all of them branded,
They seemed to be worn out with branding.
١٩. وَهُنَّ مُنتَصِلاتٌ كُلَّها ثَقِفٌ
تَخالُهُنَّ وَقَد أُرهِقنَ نَشّابا
20. For a moment it resists not ceasing its pursuit
Until when its intellect, after passion, returns.
٢٠. لَأياً يُجاهِدُها لا يَأتَلي طَلَباً
حَتّى إِذا عَقلُهُ بَعدَ الوَنى ثابا
21. So the one with a spear that protects its owner
When it turns to confront them, wards it off and drives it away.
٢١. فَكَرَّ ذو حَربَةٍ تَحمي مَقاتِلَهُ
إِذا نَحا لِكُلاها رَوقَهُ صابا
22. When I saw a vulgar, impudent time
In which the heads of the people had become tails.
٢٢. لَمّا رَأَيتُ زَماناً كالِحاً شَبِماً
قَد صارَ فيهِ رُؤوسُ الناسِ أَذنابا
23. I set my mind on the best youth of all the people,
Those present and absent I intended him as witness.
٢٣. يَمَّمتُ خَيرَ فَتىً في الناسِ كُلَّهُمُ
الشاهِدينَ بِهِ أَعني وَمَن غابا
24. When Iyas saw me in poverty,
With little money and a worn-out saddle blanket.
٢٤. لَمّا رَآني إِياسٌ في مُرَجَّمَةٍ
رَثَّ الشَوارِ قَليلَ المالِ مُنشابا
25. He lodged me with the hospitality of a generous man, then he equipped me
On the day I bid farewell to my companions.
٢٥. أَثوى ثَواءَ كَريمٍ ثُمَّ مَتَّعَني
يَومَ العُروبَةِ إِذ وَدَّعتُ أَصحابا
26. With a horse like high ground horses whose plains,
No virgins are called to but blood.
٢٦. بِعَنتَريسٍ كَأَنَّ الحُصَّ ليطَ بِها
أَدماءَ لا بَكرَةً تُدعى وَلا نابا
27. And the man is like a meadow adorned
With autumn plants though it had been barren before.
٢٧. وَالرِجلُ كَالرَوضَةِ المِحلالِ زَيَّنَها
نَبتُ الخَريفِ وَكانَت قَبلُ مِعشابا
28. May God reward Iyas with the best of His blessings
As He rewarded Noah after he grew old.
٢٨. جَزى الإِلَهُ إِياساً خَيرَ نِعمَتِهِ
كَما جَزى المَرءَ نوحاً بَعدَما شابا
29. In his ship when He commanded him to build it
And he kept gathering boards and doors.
٢٩. في فُلكِهِ إِذ تَبَدّاها لِيَصنَعَها
وَظَلَّ يَجمَعُ أَلواحاً وَأَبوابا