
Bid Huraira farewell, the caravan is departing

ودع هريرة إن الركب مرتحل

1. Bid Huraira farewell, the caravan is departing
Can you, O man, bear to say farewell?

١. وَدِّع هُرَيرَةَ إِنَّ الرَكبَ مُرتَحِلُ
وَهَل تُطيقُ وَداعاً أَيُّها الرَجُلُ

2. A smooth-flanked, nimble she-camel, polished are her limbs
She walks like an ostrich walking through mud

٢. غَرّاءُ فَرعاءُ مَصقولٌ عَوارِضُها
تَمشي الهُوَينا كَما يَمشي الوَجي الوَحِلُ

3. As if her gait were from her neighbor's house
Passing of a cloud, neither slow nor hasty

٣. كَأَنَّ مِشيَتَها مِن بَيتِ جارَتِها
مَرُّ السَحابَةِ لا رَيثٌ وَلا عَجَلُ

4. You can hear the tinkling of her ornament when she turns
As the whizzing sound made by an ear-pierced Arab youth

٤. تَسمَعُ لِلحَليِ وَسواساً إِذا اِنصَرَفَت
كَما اِستَعانَ بِريحٍ عِشرِقٌ زَجِلُ

5. She is not one who the neighbors dislike her appearance
Nor do they see her spying on the neighbor

٥. لَيسَت كَمَن يَكرَهُ الجيرانُ طَلعَتَها
وَلا تَراها لِسِرِّ الجارِ تَختَتِلُ

6. Exhaustion nearly makes her collapse were it not for her perseverance
When she rises to walk with her lazy companions

٦. يَكادُ يَصرَعُها لَولا تَشَدُّدُها
إِذا تَقومُ إِلى جاراتِها الكَسَلُ

7. When she contends with a rival for a moment, she rests
And the tails and humps on her back sway

٧. إِذا تُعالِجُ قِرناً ساعَةً فَتَرَت
وَاِهتَزَّ مِنها ذَنوبُ المَتنِ وَالكَفَلُ

8. The full saddle blanket and yellow coat are adornments
When she comes, her waist seems to bend

٨. مِلءُ الوِشاحِ وَصِفرُ الدَرعِ بَهكَنَةٌ
إِذا تَأَتّى يَكادُ الخَصرُ يَنخَزِلُ

9. Huraira turned away from us, not speaking to us
Ignorant of Umm Khulaid who she is intimate with

٩. صَدَّت هُرَيرَةُ عَنّا ما تُكَلِّمُنا
جَهلاً بِأُمِّ خُلَيدٍ حَبلَ مَن تَصِلُ

10. Did she see a blind man whom the specter of death addled
And time made him senile and confused?

١٠. أَأَن رَأَت رَجُلاً أَعشى أَضَرَّ بِهِ
رَيبُ المَنونِ وَدَهرٌ مُفنِدٌ خَبِلُ

11. A fine bedmate in the morning after spending the night
For the pleasure of a man, neither dry nor sated

١١. نِعمَ الضَجيعُ غَداةَ الدَجنِ يَصرَعَها
لِلَّذَةِ المَرءِ لا جافٍ وَلا تَفِلُ

12. A lanky, long-necked camel, her companions
As if her hooves are shod with thorns

١٢. هِركَولَةٌ فُنُقٌ دُرمٌ مَرافِقُها
كَأَنَّ أَخمَصَها بِالشَوكِ مُنتَعِلُ

13. When she stands, musk diffuses from her breast
And the flowers' perfume from her chest wraps around

١٣. إِذا تَقومُ يَضوعُ المِسكُ أَصوِرَةً
وَالزَنبَقُ الوَردُ مِن أَردانِها شَمِلُ

14. No garden among the gardens of sorrow is grassed
Green, with a pouring rain upon it gushing

١٤. ما رَوضَةٌ مِن رِياضِ الحَزنِ مُعشَبَةٌ
خَضراءُ جادَ عَلَيها مُسبِلٌ هَطِلُ

15. The sun smiles upon it like a rising star
Girded with the robes of vegetation, laden

١٥. يُضاحِكُ الشَمسَ مِنها كَوكَبٌ شَرِقٌ
مُؤَزَّرٌ بِعَميمِ النَبتِ مُكتَهِلُ

16. Never a day that was sweeter than it spreading fragrance
Nor more beautiful than when its origin drew near

١٦. يَوماً بِأَطيَبَ مِنها نَشرَ رائِحَةٍ
وَلا بِأَحسَنَ مِنها إِذ دَنا الأُصُلُ

17. I admired her figure and another admired her legs
And another admired a different woman's legs

١٧. عُلَّقتُها عَرَضاً وَعُلَّقَت رَجُلاً
غَيري وَعُلَّقَ أُخرى غَيرَها الرَجُلُ

18. And a girl admired him who did not attempt to seduce her
Of his family, though one infatuated with her wanders confused

١٨. وَعَلَّقَتهُ فَتاةٌ ما يُحاوِلُها
مِن أَهلِها مَيِّتٌ يَهذي بِها وَهِلُ

19. And another admired me who does not suit me
So love gathered, all of it matured

١٩. وَعُلِّقَتني أُخَيرى ما تُلائِمُني
فَاِجتَمَعَ الحُبَّ حُبّاً كُلُّهُ تَبِلُ

20. Each of us lovesick, infatuated with his companion
Yearning, brought near, fettered, and fettering

٢٠. فَكُلُّنا مُغرَمٌ يَهذي بِصاحِبِهِ
ناءٍ وَدانٍ وَمَحبولٌ وَمُحتَبِلُ

21. Huraira said, when I came visiting her:
Woe to you from me, O man!

٢١. قالَت هُرَيرَةُ لَمّا جِئتُ زائِرَها
وَيلي عَلَيكَ وَوَيلي مِنكَ يا رَجُلُ

22. O you who see a cheek whose lightning on its edges
Is like lightning in its edges flashing

٢٢. يا مَن يَرى عارِضاً قَد بِتُّ أَرقُبُهُ
كَأَنَّما البَرقُ في حافاتِهِ الشُعَلُ

23. It has a back, neck, and curly hair, a creation
Girded with necklaces of water, joined

٢٣. لَهُ رِدافٌ وَجَوزٌ مُفأَمٌ عَمِلٌ
مُنَطَّقٌ بِسِجالِ الماءِ مُتَّصِلُ

24. Revelry did not distract me from it when I saw its nape
Nor did pleasures of a cup, or laziness

٢٤. لَم يُلهِني اللَهوُ عَنهُ حينَ أَرقُبُهُ
وَلا اللَذاذَةُ مِن كَأسٍ وَلا الكَسَلُ

25. So I said to those drinking until drunk in a circle:
Be dignified! How can the sated be dignified?

٢٥. فَقُلتُ لِلشَربِ في دُرنى وَقَد ثَمِلوا
شيموا وَكَيفَ يَشيمُ الشارِبُ الثَمِلُ

26. Lightning illuminating the trunks of its cloudburst
And the ruinous rain from it pouring

٢٦. بَرقاً يُضيءُ عَلى أَجزاعِ مَسقِطِهِ
وَبِالخَبِيَّةِ مِنهُ عارِضٌ هَطِلُ

27. They said, "Sprinkling," so its collected clouds poured on them
Al-Asjadiyya, then Al-Abla, then the leg

٢٧. قالوا نِمارٌ فَبَطنُ الخالِ جادَهُما
فَالعَسجَدِيَّةُ فَالأَبلاءُ فَالرِجَلُ

28. Then the torrent flowing, then a creek, then its downpour
Until the highlands and mountains repelled it

٢٨. فَالسَفحُ يَجري فَخِنزيرٌ فَبُرقَتُهُ
حَتّى تَدافَعَ مِنهُ الرَبوُ فَالجَبَلُ

29. Until Ma'qil took from it a burden of water
The meadow of wild cats and the easy slope of Ghaniyya

٢٩. حَتّى تَحَمَّلَ مِنهُ الماءَ تَكلِفَةً
رَوضُ القَطا فَكَثيبُ الغَينَةِ السَهِلُ

30. Watering dwellings that had become desolate
A land whose fires and messengers had departed from it

٣٠. يَسقي دِياراً لَها قَد أَصبَحَت عُزُباً
زوراً تَجانَفَ عَنها القَودُ وَالرَسَلُ

31. And a town like the back of a shield, desolate
Where jinn wail on its outskirts at night

٣١. وَبَلدَةً مِثلِ ظَهرِ التُرسِ موحِشَةٍ
لِلجِنِّ بِاللَيلِ في حافاتِها زَجَلُ

32. None who ascend it in the heat except those who are safe
I passed by it with swift, sturdy she-camels

٣٢. لا يَتَنَمّى لَها بِالقَيظِ يَركَبُها
إِلّا الَّذينَ لَهُم فيما أَتَوا مَهَلُ

33. On whose sides, when she displays them, are hollows
"Either you see us barefoot, we have no sandals

٣٣. جاوَزتُها بِطَليحٍ جَسرَةٍ سُرُحٍ
في مِرفَقَيها إِذا اِستَعرَضتَها فَتَلُ

34. We are just like that, we do not guard or wear sandals"
I gained access to the house's lord in his unawareness

٣٤. إِمّا تَرَينا حُفاةً لا نِعالَ لَنا
إِنّا كَذَلِكَ ما نَحفى وَنَنتَعِلُ

35. And he may be wary of me then show no concern
And I may lead the boys one day and they follow me

٣٥. فَقَد أُخالِسُ رَبَّ البَيتِ غَفلَتَهُ
وَقَد يُحاذِرُ مِنّي ثُمَّ ما يَئلُ

36. And the slender youth may accompany me, flexing
And I went early to the shop, the crippled following me

٣٦. وَقَد أَقودُ الصَبى يَوماً فَيَتبَعُني
وَقَد يُصاحِبُني ذو الشِرَّةِ الغَزِلُ

37. Swaying, limping, hobbling, deformed
Amongst youths like Indian swords, well aware

٣٧. وَقَد غَدَوتُ إِلى الحانوتِ يَتبَعُني
شاوٍ مِشَلٌّ شَلولٌ شُلشُلٌ شَوِلُ

38. That ruses do not ward off one of cunning and schemes
I competed with them over cannabis reeds, reclining

٣٨. في فِتيَةٍ كَسُيوفِ الهِندِ قَد عَلِموا
أَن لَيسَ يَدفَعُ عَن ذي الحيلَةِ الحِيَلُ

39. And coffee bringing sleep, its cups green
They do not awake from it while it is a wager

٣٩. نازَعتُهُم قُضُبَ الرَيحانِ مُتَّكِئاً
وَقَهوَةً مُزَّةٌ راوُوقُها خَضِلُ

40. Except by screaming, though they went high and got drunk
With it the jar-bearer runs, his robes gathered

٤٠. لا يَستَفيقونَ مِنها وَهيَ راهَنَةٌ
إِلّا بِهاتِ وَإِن عَلَّوا وَإِن نَهِلوا

41. Hemmed at the lower garment, filled
And the responsive one's leggings sound when he walks

٤١. يَسعى بِها ذو زُجاجاتٍ لَهُ نُطَفٌ
مُقَلِّصٌ أَسفَلَ السِربالِ مُعتَمِلُ

42. When the ankle rattles the coins' clinking
From all that is a day I sported on it

٤٢. وَمُستَجيبٍ تَخالُ الصَنجَ يَسمَعُهُ
إِذا تُرَجِّعُ فيهِ القَينَةُ الفُضُلُ

43. And in experiences, the length of play and amusements
And those trailing the trains of their robes, lurking

٤٣. مِن كُلِّ ذَلِكَ يَومٌ قَد لَهَوتُ بِهِ
وَفي التَجارِبِ طولُ اللَهوِ وَالغَزَلُ

44. And those with thick ankles above their heels
Inform Yazid ibn Shayban, fully informed:

٤٤. وَالساحِباتُ ذُيولَ الخَزِّ آوِنَةً
وَالرافِلاتُ عَلى أَعجازِها العِجَلُ

45. Abu Thubayt, do you not cease nibbling at our hills?
Are you not done gouging our milestones?

٤٥. أَبلِغ يَزيدَ بَني شَيبانَ مَألُكَةً
أَبا ثُبيتٍ أَما تَنفَكُّ تَأتَكِلُ

46. You are not harming them however far the camels range
You seduce against us the party of Mas'ud and his brothers

٤٦. أَلَستَ مُنتَهِياً عَن نَحتِ أَثلَتِنا
وَلَستَ ضائِرَها ما أَطَّتِ الإِبِلُ

47. When we meet, then you chase them away and withdraw
I will recognize you if the forces come against us

٤٧. تُغري بِنا رَهطَ مَسعودٍ وَإِخوَتِهِ
عِندَ اللِقاءِ فَتُردي ثُمَّ تَعتَزِلُ

48. And war grows hot from circling them while they assault
Like the butt of a boulder, one day to split it

٤٨. لَأَعرِفَنَّكَ إِن جَدَّ النَفيرُ بِنا
وَشُبَّتِ الحَربُ بِالطُوّافِ وَاِحتَمَلوا

49. But it did no damage while its horn weakened
I will recognize you if our enmity grows serious

٤٩. كَناطِحٍ صَخرَةً يَوماً لِيَفلِقَها
فَلَم يَضِرها وَأَوهى قَرنَهُ الوَعِلُ

50. And victory is sought from you, endured as recompense
It fixes the spears of resolute men on our sycamores

٥٠. لَأَعرِفَنَّكَ إِن جَدَّت عَداوَتُنا
وَاِلتُمِسَ النَصرُ مِنكُم عوضُ تُحتَمَلُ

51. When we meet, so you chase them away and withdraw
Do not sit while you have consumed it as firewood

٥١. تُلزِمُ أَرماحَ ذي الجَدَّينِ سَورَتَنا
عِندَ اللِقاءِ فَتُرديهِم وَتَعتَزِلُ

52. Seeking refuge from its evil one day and praying
There were among the People of the Cave, if they had sat

٥٢. لا تَقعُدَنَّ وَقَد أَكَّلتَها حَطَباً
تَعوذُ مِن شَرِّها يَوماً وَتَبتَهِلُ

53. And the Decisive Battalion, some who strove and toiled
Ask the Bani Asad about us, for they know

٥٣. قَد كانَ في أَهلِ كَهفٍ إِن هُمُ قَعَدوا
وَالجاشِرِيَّةِ مَن يَسعى وَيَنتَضِلُ

54. That the form of our news will reach you
And ask Qushayr and Abdillah, all of them

٥٤. سائِل بَني أَسَدٍ عَنّا فَقَد عَلِموا
أَن سَوفَ يَأتيكَ مِن أَنبائِنا شَكَلُ

55. And ask Rabee'a about us, how we act
We fight them, then we kill them

٥٥. وَاِسأَل قُشَيراً وَعَبدَ اللَهِ كُلُّهُمُ
وَاِسأَل رَبيعَةَ عَنّا كَيفَ نَفتَعِلُ

56. When we meet, while they were neighbors and ignoramuses
Nay! You claimed that we do not fight you

٥٦. إِنّا نُقاتِلُهُم ثُمَّتَ نَقتُلُهُم
عِندَ اللِقاءِ وَهُم جاروا وَهُم جَهِلوا

57. We only fight the likes of you, O our people, the slain!
Until the leader of the people reclines

٥٧. كَلّا زَعَمتُم بِأَنّا لا نُقاتِلُكُم
إِنّا لِأَمثالِكُم يا قَومَنا قُتُلُ

58. While the women drive away flies with palm branches
An Indian struck him and aimed straight

٥٨. حَتّى يَظَلَّ عَميدُ القَومِ مُتَّكِئاً
يَدفَعُ بِالراحِ عَنهُ نِسوَةٌ عُجُلُ

59. Or a wavering spear cast from the battle line
We stab the camels in the hidden places of their saddlebags

٥٩. أَصابَهُ هِندُوانِيٌّ فَأَقصَدَهُ
أَو ذابِلٌ مِن رِماحِ الخَطِّ مُعتَدِلُ

60. And the hero is whipped by our spears
Will you desist? None deters the transgressors

٦٠. قَد نَطعَنُ العيرَ في مَكنونِ فائِلِهِ
وَقَد يَشيطُ عَلى أَرماحِنا البَطَلُ

61. Like stabbing in which oil and blood flow
By the life of Him who destiny traced its passions

٦١. هَل تَنتَهونَ وَلا يَنهى ذَوي شَطَطٍ
كَالطَعنِ يَذهَبُ فيهِ الزَيتُ وَالفُتُلُ

62. To Him the pouring rain returned
If you kill a leader who was not preventing

٦٢. إِنّي لَعَمرُ الَّذي خَطَّت مَناسِمُها
لَهُ وَسيقَ إِلَيهِ الباقِرُ الغُيُلُ

63. We will kill the like of him from you and reciprocate
If you deprive us of the thick of battle

٦٣. لَئِن قَتَلتُم عَميداً لَم يَكُن صَدَداً
لَنَقتُلَن مِثلَهُ مِنكُم فَنَمتَثِلُ

64. You will not find us drinking the blood of people and delighting
We are the horsemen on the day of calamity, overflowing

٦٤. لَئِن مُنيتَ بِنا عَن غِبِّ مَعرَكَةٍ
لَم تُلفِنا مِن دِماءِ القَومِ نَنتَفِلُ

65. Set Futi'ma aside, neither inclination nor separation
They said, "Ride!" And we said that is our custom

٦٥. نَحنُ الفَوارِسُ يَومَ الحِنوِ ضاحِيَةً
جَنبي فُطَيمَةَ لا ميلٌ وَلا عُزُلُ

66. Or will you dismount? We are a people who dismount

٦٦. قالوا الرُكوبَ فَقُلنا تِلكَ عادَتُنا
أَو تَنزِلونَ فَإِنّا مَعشَرٌ نُزُلُ