
O my neighbor, divorce me, for that is how

يا جارتي بيني فإنك طالقه

1. O my neighbor, divorce me, for that is how
People's affairs go, advancing and fading.

١. يا جارَتي بيني فَإِنَّكِ طالِقَه
كَذاكِ أُمورُ الناسِ غادٍ وَطارِقَه

2. And make peace with me, for peace is better than conflict,
Else strife shall remain hanging over your head.

٢. وَبيني فَإِنَّ البَينَ خَيرٌ مِنَ العَصا
وَإِلّا تَزالُ فَوقَ رَأسِكِ بارِقَه

3. It was no grave crime that you committed,
Nor did you bring lasting shame upon us.

٣. وَما ذاكَ مِن جُرمٍ عَظيمٍ جَنَيتِهِ
وَلا أَن تَكوني جِئتِ فينا بِبائِقَه

4. Tell me of your chastity, for it is no dishonor,
Nor towering over us, but matching and suiting.

٤. وَبيني حَصانَ الفَرجِ غَيرَ ذَميمَةٍ
وَمَوموقَةً فينا كَذاكَ وَوامِقَه

5. And taste, my people, for I will be tasting
A girl of a people like what you are tasting.

٥. وَذوقي فَتى قَومِ فَإِنِّيَ ذائِقٌ
فَتاةَ أُناسٍ مِثلَ ما أَنتِ ذائِقَه

6. For among the youths of your people was my marriage,
And the tall, slender youths of fluttering sleeves.

٦. فَقَد كانَ في شُبّانِ قَومِكِ مَنكَحٌ
وَفِتيانِ هِزّانَ الطِوالِ الغَرانِقَه