
The band of the tribe came to my aid, between me and you,

أتاني وعون الحوش بيني وبينكم

1. The band of the tribe came to my aid, between me and you,
Like slender spears protruding from polished sheaths.

١. أَتاني وَعونُ الحوشِ بَيني وَبَينُكُم
كَوانِسُ مِن جَنبَي فِتاقٍ فَأَبلَقا

2. Your dreams are those of one who has nothing,
Even if you had power over the people.

٢. تَأَنّيكُمُ أَحلامَ مَن لَيسَ عِندَهُ
عَلى الرَهطِ مَغنىً لَو تَنالونَ مَوثِقا

3. O Buniyya, they would have had my head,
If they had not kept it hanging.

٣. بُنَيَّةُ إِنَّ القَومَ كانَ جَريرُهُم
بِرَأسِيَ لَو لَم يَجعَلوهُ مُعَلَّقا

4. Will the fair-faced youths, when they meet
Your tribe one day, convey to them one who is strangled?

٤. أَفي فِتيَةٍ بيضِ الوُجوهِ إِذا لَقوا
قَبيلَكَ يَوماً أَبلَغوهُ المُخَنَّقا

5. When their feet slip in battle,
They stand firmly one day, even if the ground be slippery.

٥. إِذا اِعتَفَرَت أَقدامُهُم عِندَ مَعرَكٍ
ثَبَتنَ بِهِ يَوماً فَإِن كانَ مَزلَقا

6. May God reward, between us and the elder of hearing,
The reward of the evildoer, wherever he has set and risen!

٦. جَزى اللَهُ فيما بَينَنا شَيخَ مِسمَعٍ
جَزاءَ المُسيءِ حَيثُ أَمسى وَأَشرَقا

7. May God reward Taim, of a brother who used to be pious,
And observe the taboos of Taim - both open and hidden.

٧. جَزى اللَهُ تَيماً مِن أَخٍ كانَ يَتَّقي
مَحارِمَ تَيمٍ ما أَخَفَّ وَأَرهَقا

8. The brother who aggresses against us -
Had his foot slipped, we would have held to him.

٨. أَخونا الَّذي يَعدو عَلَينا وَلَو هَوَت
بِهِ قَدَمٌ كُنّا بِهِ مُتَعَلِّقا

9. We came to them, when we found none but their houses,
And we were sheets from death, scattered and torn.

٩. أَتَينا لَهُم إِذ لَم نَجِد غَيرَ أَنيهِم
وَكُنّا صَفائِحاً مِنَ المَوتِ أَزرَقا

10. We resorted to our spears when the Banu Ruhem
Depended on us with evil, stuck fast.

١٠. وَجُدنا إِلى أَرماحِنا حينَ عَوَّلَت
عَلَينا بَنو رُهمٍ مِنَ الشَرِّ مَلزَقا